Can someone please explain the difference between protein for HER and protein for HIM? It Makes Zero Sense

Can someone please explain the difference between protein for HER and protein for HIM?  You see, I’ve been seeing this trend recently of supplement companies coming out with supplements for HER and for HIM.

Here is what I’m talking about.[wpsharely]..


Let me tell you what this is. It’s a scam. There is no such thing as a CLA supplement formulated for HER vs for HIM. Absolutely no difference.

BTW CLA sucks. It has been around for like 20 years and it’s worthless. I used to sell it and it does nothing to help with fat loss. Great concept, but I couldn’t tell you one person that likes it and has seen results like they claim. Maybe in a huge dose it can help with muscle mass because it’s a fat and good fats are good for muscle gains. But if you take it and think you’re going to lose weight don’t hold your breath on that one.

By the way, Shredz does this too.

Made for her.  Again, to me, this makes absolutely no sense.  There is no difference between the way a female puts on muscle and a man puts on muscle. In fact WOMEN need more powerful hardcore supplements than men.  Why? TESTOSTERONE!!  It’s not in the cards for women to gain muscle.  Thus, they need more protein and more calories and well…more TESTOSTERONE!!

If you’re a women reading this…stay away from HERS supplement and reach for the HIS supplements…you’ll probably see better results.  Oh yea…CLA is not powerful!  It’s as weak as my 93 year old grandmother.