Antioxidants are not just good for our bodies, they are necessary as well. In addition to slowing down cell degeneration due to the oxidative stress of free radicals within our bodies, a diet rich in antioxidants has also been linked to reduced chances of developing cancers, heart disease and loss of vision with age. However, all research points to the fact that the source of the dietary antioxidant needs to be natural in nature, and not artificially manufactured. To help fulfill your daily quota of antioxidant intake, here are a few surprisingly powerful, natural sources of antioxidants.
Raisins are considered to be natural superfoods, although that very term is not beyond controversy. Nevertheless, there is no denying the fact that raisins contain an extremely rich source of antioxidants, known as anthocyanins.
In addition to the antioxidative properties of the flavonoid, anthocyanins are also a precursor to boron. Boron builds, repairs and reinforces our bones and muscles, as well as boosting cognitive capabilities and muscular coordination.
One would think that after getting so much bad rep, coffee would only have negative effects in the long run, but that’s as far from the truth as it possibly can be.
There are a number of antioxidants in a single cup of coffee, and contrary to popular belief, caffeine is the most effective antioxidant in the beverage.
Other than caffeine, chlorogenic acid is the other powerful antioxidant in America’s favorite beverage. The good news is that even if you take your coffee decaf, there’s chlorogenic acid in it.
Rich in vitamins and minerals, celery, by its very nature, is antioxidative and helps with digestion too. You can even get celery juice powder from Basik that is rich in phytonutrients, has a very low sugar content and, of course, brings with it the antioxidative properties of vitamins A, C and K. The celery powder from Basik brings every bit of goodness that celery naturally has, but it’s even more concentrated in its antioxidant content and other nutrients than celery in its original form can possibly be.
Eating a few eggs every day will not increase the risk of heart disease, but if you are frying them in LDL cholesterol-rich vegetable oil, that’s not really the egg’s fault now, is it?
Stick to boiled eggs mostly and use olive oil when you decide to fry them in the morning sometimes. If you can do that then you will be taking in the following antioxidants from every egg you consume throughout the day:
- Ovalbumin
- Ovotransferrin
- Phosvitin
- Phospholipids
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin E
- Carotenoids
- Selenium
- Choline
There’s a reason why people call eggs one of the most powerful natural foods in the world, and now you have an idea of what they are talking about!
Vanilla Beans
Vanilla beans are sweet and beautifully scented fruits that are rich in phenolic compounds. These phenolic compounds are antioxidants of a powerful nature for sure, but additionally, the naturally occurring chemicals also have very strong anti-microbial properties. As it turns out, vanilla beans can reduce the inflammatory tendencies of the body and bring down inflammations that are already there as well.
Not that our bodies do not produce endogenous antioxidants on their own, but we do need to take in a healthy dose of external antioxidants through our regular dietary intakes as well. It isn’t as difficult to have a diet rich in antioxidants and other nutrients these days as it used to be, so it makes sense for you to pay a little attention to everything we just discussed and adopt a diet for fighting those damaging free radicals.