Hello, and thank you for your interest in content collaboration and guest posting.

Please follow the directions strictly. If you do not follow the directions EXACTLY, your request will be denied.

  1. The price for an article on this website is $90.00.
  2. Email your article for approval, with a minimum of 500 words, to [email protected]. Article can have up to 5 do follow links.
  3. If approved, we will email you back “approved”.
  4. At that time, go to this page and make payment.
  5. Do NOT send emails negotiating ANYTHING (price, content, words, placement etc.) Your request will automatically denied and you will be BANNED from our website.
  6. The article must be about fitness or nutrition. Email the article to [email protected] with your PayPal transaction ID.
  7. No gambling, porn, essay writing, casino, pharmaceuticals. (However CBD is excepted)
  8. After payment is made it could take up to 7 days to post your article.