Thank you for your interest in guest posting. Instructions on how to get your post published are below. Rules are NOT negotiable.

If you fail to follow the rules, you will not get any email replies, and you will be banned. If you attempt to negotiate or alter the rules, you will be banned.

  1. The price is $90.00. If your article is not related to health and fitness, the cost is $180.00.
  2. Articles must be about health, nutrition, and fitness.
  3. No casino, adult, essay writing, or pharma.
  4. Article must be at least 750 words.
  5. Article will be permanent.
  6. Article will NOT be on the home page.
  7. We are not responsible for errors in your article.
  8. Once payment is made article will be posted in 7 days. No sooner.
  9. It will not be labeled as sponsored.
  10. Your article will NOT be posted until payment is made.

How To Get Article Published.

  1. First, get your article approved. Email your article to [email protected] with the subject heading (article approval request).
  2. If your article is approved, we will email you an invoice from Paypal to the email that you submitted the article with.
  3. Pay that invoice.
  4. Your article will be posted in 7 business days. (do not attempt to negotiate the posting time, you will be banned).