I just published a podcast about the raw organic whey protein lie.
Raw Organic Whey Protein Lie
Hey what’s up everybody Alex Rogers from Proteinfactory.com and today I’m going to be talking about the top lies and myths and misconceptions and false statements that protein sellers and supplement companies use to try to sell you their whey protein powders and protein powders . Just so you know I’ve been selling protein powder for about 20 years. And during that time I’ve really been a manufacturer of different protein powders and I hold a patent pending on a whey protein so I’m just not a marketer.
I am also an expert in the Code of Federal Regulations for dietary supplements 111. Therefore I know a lot about protein powder.
So this podcast was inspired by a woman that called me yesterday and she bought some of my product from Wal-Mart. She bought the New Zealand whey protein five pounder and she called me up and she said well there’s there’s soy lecithin in your product and I said no there isn’t. She said yes there is. And I said no there isn’t. So she’s like all right let me get it and she hear go to her cabinet she gets it she comes back oh yeah you’re right.
She really didn’t understand anything about the difference between soy lecithin and sunflower like anything. And she had she also asked me is your protein raw. You would think by this time I mean I would assume that most people don’t know there’s no such thing as Raw whey protein but that is the problem. Every day somebody starts using whey protein that never uses whey protein before and they get misled. By these proteins sellers into false marketing claims and they buy a product that quite frankly it’s not what it says it is. So I just wanted to go over that so let’s get to it. Raw whey protein OK raw protein. When you hear that you think of the gives off the perception that it’s coming from raw cow’s milk and has been pasteurized well that nothing can be further from the truth. There is no such thing
As raw protein powder and raw dairy powder. OK. All dairy protein powders. Including way because ways a dairy protein powder. All protein powders must be pasteurized. OK.
There’s no getting around it. It’s the law. And they all have to be pasteurized at the same temperature for the same time OK the government the U.S. government sets this time and temperature
This way. They know that the whey protein that you’re buying
Does not have any things that can harm you like E. coli salmonella listeria heat pasteurisation. It is a kill step. It kills all this harmful bacteria. So when you consume it. You will have a chance to get any of that. OK so raw whey protein if you see any protein powder with the name of Rawn it don’t buy it. That’s a red flag that tells you that this company that’s selling is trying to be deceptive and trying to fool you. It’s a flat out lie and unfortunately the government can’t like you know they can’t do anything about it. I mean they can. But there’s just too many of these weasels out there. OK. There’s no such thing as raw. Whey Protein
Undie nature. OK here’s here’s another one. There’s no such thing as 100 percent on denatured protein powder. So if we see that deer with ok what teenagers whey protein. First of all heat pasteurisation Kahi pasteurisation teenagers protein. And protein powder all protein powder
Dairy protein Caraway protein no protein casein it’s all pasteurized twice because whey protein comes from cheese. Ninety nine percent of the time it comes from cheese. There is a way protein comes from milk. It also is the best rice but. Most of the time 99 percent of the whey protein come in from cheese. It by law. This is not optional. It has to be pasteurized twice for the same time in the same temperature. OK. There’s no such thing as you know cool pasteurisation or gentle pasteurisation or I don’t know any of the pasteurization terms that’s all done by the same. Temperature. OK. After that
You have the liquid way.
Ok. It has to be turned into powers. How do you do that. It has to be sprayed dried. Well spray drying also includes heat which also teaches the protein powder even more.
So there’s a third denaturing step. OK. Right after that is the filtration process. OK. So a lot of these companies they’ll market. Oh cold filtration or chill filtration or.
I don’t know what any of these low temperature process filtration.
It’s all vs. OK. There’s three ways to make a whey protein powder. One is ion exchange which is patented by the visko. I think they’re bought out by agro pure
Couple years ago. Pretty sure they’re pretty much located in Minnesota and they have the patent. On an exchange process to make whey protein. Pay. This means that they take all of the way protein from cheese and they filter out all the non protein materials and to make the powder as high as
Protein percentage as possible. OK so you can never have a 100 percent whey protein powder. Okay. So you have the ingredient which is way prep which should really be called whey powder. You shouldn’t even really be called whey protein powder. So you have the whey protein powder and then added that a certain percentage is protein. Now the ion exchange process produces the highest percentage on the planet. I’ve seen it at 98 percent. That means for every 100 grams of. Protein for every 100 grams of whey powder you get 98 grams of protein. After that you have the most common which is micro Ultor filtration and this uses polymer filters. Okay. And that typically will yield a 90 percent whey protein Eiseley. So isolate means protein is 90 percent or higher. So out of the 100 grams of whey powder 90 grams of protein. After that you have. A way concentrate way constant concentrate means a percent or less. So I’ve seen concentrates range from 60 percent to 80 percent. How high fat lactose in it. So in exchange. For water filtration then you also have a process which is kind of similar to the microalgae filtration process which is CFX which is cross flow micro filtration which is really ceramic. Use a ceramic filter it’s indestructible and it will yield a more consistent protein substraction content. Which is good if you like the subtraction part of the whey protein if you like the globule and if you like the growth factors like all those naturally occurring for instance found the way and you long ago the CFL process and that same thing yields a 90 percent protein product. Okay. What else. Oh grass fed and organic. Okay now grass fed is a term that should be used very loosely.
Okay there’s no proof of a grass fed product so anybody could put grass fed on them on their products on their whey protein powder. You know I don’t like to use it but now it’s. Something that. You know people are just looking for nowadays so grass fed is not really not really way to go.
If you truly want to be honest percent sure you got to buy organic whey protein okay and ask to be certified. I’ve seen whey protein companies calling their. Products organic but they have no certification by law in the United States. If you’re going to call your product organic it has to be certified by one of the entities that the government deems fit. So don’t buy an organic protein powder. Now
As far as grass fed goes I do here as I tell my customers hey my protein product is coming from Germany so it’s coming from Germany. You could assume because all their cows in Germany are grass fed and hormone free. That the product is grass fed hormone free. So that’s how I put it. All right. So that’s pretty much it as far as. The marketing b.s. that goes along with whey protein I can’t really
Really think of anything else besides the other pasteurisation on denaturing the raw I’ve seen all the time. Okay so that’s it. If you have any other questions about how a. Whey protein is made feel free to text me 7 3 2 9 0 1 Ninety hundred
And that’s it. Have a good day.