High testosterone is an achievable dream. And no, it does not necessarily involve medical treatment like testosterone replacement therapy and legal use of steroids. These five strategies will increase your testosterone levels effectively and naturally. After all, the dream we are chasing is a healthy body that exudes confidence and not a trail of underlying side-effects.

There are indeed natural ways to build testosterone, but when steroids utilized accurately can also result in unbelievable body formations. Remember to always buy steroids from professional so that you get the right products. To let you know steroid name Anabolic enables athletes to have a considerable advantage in competitions. So there’s no risk you have heard about consuming it.

Here Are Top Seven Natural Ways To Build Testosterone In The Body:

Sleep Better

Sleeping better is correlated to higher testosterone levels in men. The male body replenishes the levels of testosterone during sleep. Lifestyle factors including stress and diet influence undisturbed sleep or Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During REM sleep, which happens after ninety minutes of sleep, the brain is in the most state. During this state, for the duration of thirty-forty odd minutes over three to four hours, the body produces testosterone. Hence sleeping better can increase your testosterone levels naturally. This can be achieved by wearing comfortable clothing, dimming the lights earlier than usual and switching to comfortable mattresses.

Increase in Fatty Acid Intake

Saturated and unsaturated fatty acid intake can increase your High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol and therefore your testosterone levels. Therefore consuming MUFA and PUFA rich food items like walnuts, almonds, avocado, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds can draw the Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) to the liver and thus utilize it. This HDL in turns participates in the testosterone production.

Increase the amount of micronutrients consumed

Micronutrients are required in trace quantities in the human body, but they play a vital role in critical processes. For example, magnesium is involved in nerve transmission. Similarly, zinc, thiamin, niacin and Vitamin A can alleviate stress, increase blood flow, improve circulation and trigger hormone secretion to boost your testosterone levels.

Also, when we say Vitamin A, we mean Vitamin A and not beta carotene that is processed by the body to produce vitamin A. Oysters, primarily considered as an aphrodisiac is rich in zinc. Similarly, cheese and green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin A. Milk, eggs, shitake mushrooms and salmon are rich sources of vitamin D. For niacin, thiamin, and omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds, broccoli, beans, and peas can also help in increasing testosterone levels

Avoid Soy or Soy-derivative products

Soy or soy-derivative products including tofu and soya milk contain a large amount of phytoestrogens and isoflavones. These chemical entities in soya are components of plant-based estrogen. Therefore consuming them can help in increasing the estrogen production in the body. This leads to fat retention in the body whereas the goal behind increasing testosterone levels is to burn fat, stimulate muscle growth and increase muscle mass.

Avoid gluten but maintain a steady balance of carbohydrates

Gluten disrupts the hormonal production and thereby diminishes your reserves of testosterone. Moreover, it produces prolactin in the human body which is your enemy. It hinders the secretion of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) which is ultimately the trigger involved in testosterone production. Therefore, refined carbohydrates in processed foods and grains like bread, pasta, and rice inhibit the testosterone triggers.

Nevertheless, high carb intake (almost equivalent to protein intake) can adjust your calorie count but also produce the necessary energy to process muscle tears and repairs which are common when you hit the gym. The solution is simple. Avoid gluten or refined carbohydrates that can spike your glycemic levels in the bloodstream and integrate carbohydrates that are digested slowly and maintains a steady flow of glucose in your blood.

The equation between food and testosterone levels is complicated. It is not merely a directly or inversely proportional relationship that the world has led us to believe. It is a balancing act, sure but it is not a tough art to master when practiced with sincerity.