Ecdysterone (95% Beta Ecdysterone) 90 Capsules


  • 90 capsules
  • 245 mg beta-ecdysterone, extracted from the plant Leuzea carthamoides
  • Recommended daily dose, take 1 – 2 capsules 2 times a day
  • May help support an increase strength and muscle growth*
  • May support enhanced sexual desire*
  • Helps support the natural production of sex hormones*
  • May help increase energy during daily workouts*
  • Helps supports the body to rid itself of toxins accumulated during physical overworks*
  • May support decreasing fat levels while building muscles*


Product Description

Listen to the podcast above to hear my commentary. 

Beta Ecdysterone Description

95% pure Beta-ecdysterone extracted from the plant Leuzea carthamoides

How and Why It Works?

The properties of VemoHerb® Beta Ecdysterone are due to the purified active ingredient, 95% beta-ecdysterone, which is isolated from the plant Leuzea carthamoides, also called Rhaponticum carthamoides or Maral root. [1] They are based on the natural muscle growth, adaptive properties of the ecdysones and lack any toxic effects during extended use.* [1-7]

The Leuzea carthamoides extract can be applied to increase the work capacity, support stress response and adaptability to everyday challenges. [1, 2, 4, 5, 12] Phytoecdysteroids stimulate protein synthesis.* [1, 2, 5, 7, 10] In doses of 5-10 mg per kg bodyweight they are referred to as protein stimulants, promoting fast muscle growth and strength.* [2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12] As polyhydroxy sterols, they affect the metabolism of carbohydrates and nucleic acids, help glycogen synthesis and increase the content of high energy phosphate compounds (ATP).* [10, 12] This promotes the growth of skeletal muscles and positively influences the endurance, reflexes, and physical condition of athletes.* [2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12]

A number of studies show the anabolic activity of beta ecdysterone, as well as its harmlessness and safety for using during intense training or physical overwork.* [3-6, 8, 9] Also, beta-ecdysterone influences positively the function of the central nervous and sexual systems.* [1, 10, 13-15] It is used for achieving physical and psychical stability, speed, endurance, etc., and so it is recommended in a wide range of sports. [2, 7, 10, 12] VemoHerb® Beta Ecdysterone has no side effects on the cardiovascular and immune systems, making it the perfect choice for achieving your goals.* During intense training, it supports the body’s ability to recover faster, increases the blood supply to the muscles and brain and maintains the proper energetic metabolism of the organism.* [1, 10, 12, 15]

VemoHerb® Beta Ecdysterone is recommended for:

  • intense training and mental agility of athletes*
  • helping with recovery due to exhaustion from exercise*
  • supporting the stability of the body when tired from workouts*
  • muscle growth, strength and stamina*

History Of Vemo Herb Beta Ecdysterone

The brand VemoHerb has been on the marketplace for over twenty years already.

The most important thing that did help us create a big client network is that ever since our 1st product was developed, we stick to the strategy to create and offer quality products that actually work and deliver results for the users. Indeed, this can be the explanation of why our customers are loyal to VemoHerb – they are simply happy with what they get. Using pure natural supplements that truly support them in achieving their goals, is something that can be appreciated.

The active substance in it is called Ecdysterone.

It is found in our proprietary factory-made extract of Leuzea carthamoides. We can proudly say that VemoHerb Ecdysterone contains one of the most concentrated and purified Leuzea carthamoides extract currently found on Earth.



A detailed customer review of Gergan’s experience with VemoHerb Ecdysterone

“For me, VemoHerb Beta Ecdysterone is the most impressive product I’ve ever tried!

Product on a global level! Since there are a lot of contradictory information about ecdysterone in the forums I couldn’t make up my mind which one to buy. Another reason for me to hesitate was because I had tried perhaps the most famous American product in the field – and there wasn’t ANY effect during the weeks I took it. (It was a good decision of the company to discontinue the product so I am glad it is no longer sold!).

From time to time I come upon articles in the internet and studies on multilateral beneficial effects and safety of ecdysterone at the same time, I finally decided to give that substance another chance by trying your product. Unlike your Guggulsterone, that product effect couldn’t be felt at the very beginning. At this point, I just said to myself: “Another shit for which I gave my money away.”

Apparently, however, the extract must be accumulated in the body.

The first thing I noticed after 3-4 th day was the increased libido.

After a few days it goes fairly away.

Simultaneously starts the irresistible hunger.

Especially when you take the capsules on an empty stomach and then not eat anything. In this case, after half an hour the hunger literally hits you suddenly and with such force that you are not able to resist it. You just swallow food with extreme pleasure and a little bit of greed. I remember eating like that only as teenager when my body was growing. Now I’m 36 years old.

And I see that if not all of it but definitely quite a decent amount of food goes in muscle mass.

My arms and shoulders definitely enlarged. The muscles became rigid and dense.

I did not accomplish that with any of the different types of creatine or protein supplements even with large doses. Not with a bunch of other supplements! Moreover, I hardly trained during this period. If I trained properly, the results would be much more impressive. I just did not expect such an amazing effect! Your Beta-ecdysterone really enhances protein synthesis.

Definitely affects sleep. Sleep becomes much deeper.

I felt my body and head heavy as lead in the morning. Extremely difficult awakening. At least half an hour I had to get out of this sleep coma. Then there was no longer a problem. I mean, during the day I was not sleepy.

Vascularity even at rest.

As I said during this period I hardly trained and I didn’t take any nitrogen boosters, but the veins in my hands enlarged. I noticed my breathing became deeper and easier. As if my nostrils were more unclog and expanded.

Another reason to try ecdysterone was an article that I read that it improves the turgidity of the skin.

I do not have any problem with the skin, but I lost over 20 kg in about a year from over 100 to under 80 and my eyes sunken and my face became a little haggard. So, during intake of VemoHerb Ecdysterone, I observed my skin along with everything else. It really has an effect! I saw it with my eyes. My relatives that I had not seen during this period were also impressed when we met. The skin on my face became more dense, and wrinkles around the eyes that appeared during my weight lost almost disappeared. And my whole face gained a healthy appearance. Probably the fact that I gained 2-3 kg during that period also played a role. Definitely beta-ecdysterone for me is a cosmetic product  in a sense that improves protein synthesis not only in muscle but also in the skin.

Very interesting and unexpected, however, was the impact on the psyche.

It is not a coincidence that the Siberian reindeer eat this root before the breeding season when they have to fight each other for females. And not by chance was the use of Ecdysterone by the Russian military forces. This thing definitely makes you bold and aggressive. I researched a little and read one study that it affects dopamine in the brain. Probably that is one of the reasons for its effect besides the improving the levels of testosterone. This is somewhat enjoyable. My fear almost diminished. But on the other hand I become much more confrontational and impatient. And more prone to risk. For example, I felt that I was crossing the street in situations where previously I would waited for the cars to pass. Or, in a situation when previously I would be silent now I am replying very boldly or if I managed to resist, later I am full with anger that I surrendered. To some extent your mind works differently. Particularly with regard to the protection of “territory” and your own dignity. My tolerance for stimuli from the external environment and the people around me definitely declined one-two degrees so I could say things for which later I would be sorry.

In general, it explained why Rhodiola rosea was given to the astronauts and Leuzea – to the soldiers in the Soviet Union. Both herbs are adaptogens and super neurostimulators. But cosmonaut who must execute orders from thousands of miles away without being able to directly control it and where the calm mind is the key – for them Leusea Carthamoides would be a little dangerous, though provides additional strength and durability. While Leusea herb is the right one for soldiers at the front and athletes.

All my experiences that I am describing here happened within 3 weeks.

I am not sure how long you, as manufacturers recommend to use VemoHerb Ecdysterone. I found programs in the net that vary from 10-20 days to two or three months. At the end of the third week I started to feel that the effect begins to decrease and increased the dose to 6-7 capsules. Then I decided that maybe my receptors are saturated and needed to take a break before I start a new cycle.

That is from me. I congratulate you for the great product that you’ve created!

I’m telling you that as someone who has tried not just one or two brands of supplements. This is one of the best working products that I’ve taken and put in its little pocket over 95% of the popular supplements marketed at the And if the effect is the same during my subsequent cycles with it, it will become a must.

Popularise it and conquer internal and external markets! And I’m sure that women will love VemoHerb Ecydysterone due to the beautiful skin and improvement of bone density. But you need to recommend it to be used with sports so to be able to build muscle mass out of the food ones eat due to the irresistible hunger, and this aggression is to be used against the bars in the gym and not outside.


With Regards, Gergan!

German scientists proved that Ecdysterone boosts sports performance.

Earlier this year – June 16th, 2019 to be exact, a team of German scientists from Freie Universität Berlin published an article that has the potential to radically change the professional sports scene…

But before that, let`s rewind the tape a little…

During the height of the cold war in the USSR there was a lot of funding, directed specifically in developing new substances (natural or otherwise) that will boost the battlefield performance of any soldier in the Red Army. This is how a group of soviet scientists stumbled upon a simple plant from the far east – Rhaponicum carthaamoides, or most commonly known as Leuzea carthamoides or marral root. How these scientists came to know the plant is still subject to debate – some say it is due to the fact that north elk dig it up and eat it during mating season, others say it was used in traditional medicine for centuries to boost vitality, strength and resistance.

Anyhow, these scientists developed a highly concentrated extract that was highly effective in boosting physical strength in soldiers and allowed for harder and quicker training up of new troops. Naturally this information was kept very well-guarded. Later on, in the 80`s something remarkable happened – Russia`s Olympic weight lifting team crushed their opposition. Of course, there were a lot of rumours about some unknown special substance but nothing was proven…

Later on, after the fall of the USSR, the secret of Ecdysterone and its capabilities was finally out, however the herbal material for obtaining Ecdysterone was scarce and expensive, which generally slowed down research.

Fast forward a few decades to present day:

A team of German scientists secured funding from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in order to review the properties of Ecdysterone from spinach – that same Ecdysterone obtained from Leuzea carthamoides was found in the humble spinach – this revolutionized the dietary supplement business, as spinach is much easier to cultivate and extract than Leuzea, which is a perennial plant that is almost impossible to cultivate.

The german scientists gathered volunteer athletes to participate in a double-blind randomized study to test the effects of Ecdysterone during a ten-week strength training.

Knowing the long-history of Ecdysterone use, naturally a marginal performance increase was expected, but the results blew everyone`s wildest dreams:

A three-fold increase in muscle strength!!!

Professor Maria Parr of the Freie Universität Berlin went on record saying “We did not expect that!”

Finally, the Russian athletes’ success secret is completely and undeniably out! And the greater news is the study also showed NO side effects. Absolutely amazing!

All the while, in eastern Europe there is a dietary supplement on the market for more than ten years so far – VemoHerb Ecdysterone – an extraordinary dietary supplement with extraordinary effects.

VemoHerb Ecdysterone contains 245 mg per capsule of the original, military issue Leuzea carthamoides extract standardized to 95% beta-ecdysterone.

The original extract form Leuzea carthamoides also supports fast muscle growth, increased muscle strength, heightened reflexes and endurance. It is used as an adaptogen during increased workload and trainings. Phytoecdysteroids stimulate protein synthesis, glycogen synthesis and also help the natural synthesis of ATP and thus provide for the growth of skeletal muscles, increased reflexes, physical condition and endurance.

VemoHerb Beta Ecdysterone is recommended for:

  • intense training and mental agility of athletes
  • helping with recovery due to exhaustion from exercise
  • supporting the stability of the body when tired
  • from workouts
  • muscle growth, strength and stamina


VemoHerb Beta Ecdysterone – Comparative Analysis

Comparing VemoHerb® Ecdysterone to some of the most popular beta ecdysterone products.

Based on independent researches and findings on the phytochemistry of herbs with different origin, we have chosen the raw materials we use to be of selected origin only. Using a high-quality herbal material, we manufacture our own branded extract of Leuzea carthamoides to create the uniquely effective dietary supplement VemoHerb® Beta Ecdysterone.

As we do strive to back-up our claims as much as possible, we present you an independent scientific study done by a very reputable organization that test the content of the active substances in the end user products.

Now let’s compare some of the most popular ecdysterone based product on the market with our own VemoHerb® Beta Ecdysterone.

In order to compare products, we need to identify the criterium to compare.

In the case of herbal dietary supplements, the most important quality criterium is the biologically active substance. The scientists from the published study have tested the supplements for the presence of the substance β-ecdysone while we standardize our product based on β-ecdysterone. B-ecdysone is a very specific group of β-ecdysterone and it’s much purer. This is an important note since every company standardizes their product differently and scientists compare them mostly based on 2-3 factors.

Now let’s take a look at the comparison of 4 different dietary supplements.

If you look into the result column “Content of β-ecdysone (HPLC), % (compared to the capsule content / the tablet content)” you will see that results vary from 2% to 11,8% and the highest percentage of β-ecdysone – 11,8% is for VemoHerb® Ecdysterone and no other product comes even close to that. You should also note the percentage of βecdysone in the used extract probably the most important part of the examination. The other brand that uses Leuzea carthamoides as well has only 4,9% while VemoHerb extract has 20,3%. Even when using the same plant our product still came ahead by a far. But why is that?

What makes our product unique is the high quality of the extract we use.

We have found that Leuzea carthamoides extract has some of the highest concentration of β-beta ecdysterone, and our product has over 95%. We have continuously perfected our production cycle and what you see before you, is the product of 20 years hard work and constant improvement. The results speak for themselves.

The other difference that makes VemoHerb® Beta Ecdysterone a top choice, is the raw material used in its production. The herbs VemoHerb chooses are wild grown, meaning they grow in their natural environment. Wild grown herbs turn out to be stronger, with greater variety of active substances, which brings the actual benefits of them.

It is obvious that you want the product with the highest content of active substance and based on the results we can proudly say that our product is one of the best!

Commentary By Alex Rogers, President Of

What convinced me to offer this product is the recent study conducted on it plus the high quality produced by Vemoherb.  There is no denying this study.  Nor the testing the Vemo did on their product.  Keep in mind that you have to weight train when taking this product and take a good source of protein powder.

Analysis of dietary supplements containing ECDYSONE

Additional studies:

Experiments have been conducted, comparing the results achieved by commonly used anabolic stimulants against Leuzea carthamoides extract. They have concluded that the results of both groups were comparable, however Leuzea extract administration lacked any of the side effects of the anabolic stimulants.* [4, 5, 8-11]

The evidence is limited and not conclusive.


  1. Kokoska, L. and Janovska, D. – Chemistry and pharmacology of Rhaponticum carthamoides: A review. Phytochemistry (2009) 70: 842.

Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin is a perennial herb, commonly known as a maral root or Russian leuzea, which has been used for centuries in eastern parts of Russia for its marked medicinal properties. This review based on 117 literary sources, with many of them being originally published in non-English languages (mainly in Russian), discusses the current knowledge of traditional uses, chemistry, biological effects and toxicity of this species. Several different classes of compounds were previously isolated from various parts of R. carthamoides of which the main groups are steroids, particularly ecdysteroids, and phenolics (flavonoids and phenolic acids) accompanied with polyacetylenes, sesquiterpene lactones, triterpenoid glycosides and terpenes (essential oil). A comprehensive account of the chemical constituents is given in this review (figures of 120 structures are shown). Various types of preparations, extracts and individual compounds derived from this species have been found to possess a broad spectrum of pharmacological effects on several organs such as the brain, blood, cardiovascular and nervous systems as well as on different biochemical processes and physiological functions including proteosynthesis, work capacity, reproduction, and sexual function. Moreover, the extracts and preparations from the plant, which are hopefully safe, exhibited various additional biological effects e.g. antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anticancerogenic, antimicrobial.

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  1. Gorelick-Feldman, J., MacLean, D., Ilic, N., Poulev, A., Lila, M., Cheng, D. and Raskin, I. – Phytoecdysteroids Increase Protein Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle Cells. J Agric Food Chem. (2008) 56: 3532.

Phytoecdysteroids, which are structurally similar or identical to insect molting hormones, produce a range of effects in mammals, including increasing growth and physical performance. To study the mechanism of action of phytoecdysteroids in mammalian tissue, an in vitro cellular assay of protein synthesis was developed. In C2C12 murine myotubes and human primary myotubes, phytoecdysteroids increased protein synthesis by up to 20%. In vivo, ecdysteroids increased rat grip strength. Ecdysteroid-containing plant extracts produced similar results. The effect was inhibited by a phosphoinositide kinase-3 inhibitor, which suggests a PI3K-mediated mechanism.

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  1. Wu, J., Gao, L., Shang, L., Wang, G., Wei, N., Chu, T., Chen, S., Zhang, Y., Huang, J., Wang, J. and Lin, R. – Ecdysterones from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin reduce hippocampal excitotoxic cell loss and upregulate mTOR signaling in rats. Fitoterapia (2017) 119: 158.

Glutamate-induced excitotoxicity is a key pathological mechanism in many neurological disease states. Ecdysterones derived from Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin (RCI) have been shown to alleviate glutamate-induced neuronal damage; although their mechanism of action is unclear, some data suggest that they enhance signaling in the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway. This study sought to elucidate the mechanisms underlying ecdysterone-mediated neuroprotection. We used in silico target prediction and simulation methods to identify putative ecdysterone binding targets, and to specifically identify those that represent nodes where several neurodegenerative diseases converge. We then used histological analyses in a rat hippocampal excitotoxicity model to test the effectiveness of ecdysterones in vivo. We found that RCI-derived ecdysterones should bind to glutamatergic NMDA-type receptors (NMDARs); specifically, in vivo modeling showed binding to the GRIN2B subunit of NMDARs, which was found also to be a node of convergence in several neurodegenerative disease pathways. Computerized network construction by using pathway information from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database showed putative links between GRIN2B and mTOR pathway elements including phosphoinositide-3kinase (PI3K), mTOR, and protein kinase C (PKC); these elements are associated with neuronal survival. Brain tissue western blots of ecdysterone-treated rats showed upregulated PI3K, Akt, mTOR, and phosphorylated Akt and mTOR, and down regulated GRIN2B and the apoptotic enzyme cleaved caspase-3. Ecdysterone treatment also prevented glutamate-induced rat hippocampal cell loss. In summary, RCI-derived ecdysterones appear to prevent glutamatergic excitotoxicity by increasing mTOR/Akt/PI3K signaling activity.

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  1. Toth, Noemi;Szabo, Andras;Kacsala, Peter; Heger, Julia; Zador, Erno – 20Hydroxyecdysone increases fiber size in a musclespecific fashion in rat.

20Hydroxyecdysone (20E) is an ecdysteroid hormone that regulates moulting in insects. Interestingly, 20E is also found most abundantly in plant species and has anabolic effects in vertebrates, i.e. increasing muscle size without androgen influence. The effect of 20E on slow and fast fiber types of skeletal muscle has not been reported yet. Here we present that 20E affects the size (crosssectional area, CSA) of the different fiber types in a musclespecific manner. The effect on fiber size was modified by the distance from the site of the treatment and the presence of a regenerating soleus muscle in the animal. Besides the fiber size, 20E also increased the myonuclear number in the fibers of normal and regenerating muscles, suggesting the activation of satellite cells. According to our results 20E may provide an alternative for substitution of anabolicandrogenic steroids in therapeutic treatments against muscle atrophy.

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  1. Chermnykh NS, Shimanovskiĭ NL, Shutko GV, Syrov VN – The action of methandrostenolone and beta ecdysterone on the physical endurance of animals and on protein metabolism in the skeletal muscles

The results of the comparative study on the myotropic activity of methandrostenolone and ecdysterone and their effects on physical endurance of animals suggested that ecdysterone possessing a wider spectrum of the anabolic action on the contractile proteins of the skeletal muscles exerts a more pronounced influence on physical endurance of animals without their preliminary training.

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  1. Pablo Kizelsztein, Dmitry Govorko, Slavko Komarnytsky, Alysa Evans, Zhong Wang, William T. Cefalu, and Ilya Raskin– 20-Hydroxyecdysone decreases weight and hyperglycemia in a diet-induced obesity mice model

The steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20HE) is an essential signaling molecule that modulates molting response in insects and may function as a putative anabolic factor in vertebrate animals, although no mammalian 20HE receptor has been identified. Here we show that in H4IIE cell culture, 20HE treatment decreased expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), reduced glucose production, and induced Akt2 phosphorylation sensitive to the phosphoinositide-3 kinase pathway-specific inhibitor LY-294002. Daily oral administration of 20HE (10 mg/kg for 13 wk) ameliorated obesity and insulin resistance in C57BL/6J mice fed a high-fat diet and produced a significant decrease of body weight gain and body fat mass compared with nontreated animals as demonstrated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis. In addition, plasma insulin levels and glucose tolerance were significantly lowered by 20HE treatment. These changes were accompanied by the reduced hepatic expression of PEPCK and G6Pase and increased adiponectin production by visceral fat tissue. These studies demonstrate the anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of 20HE and begin to elucidate its putative cellular targets both in vitro and in vivo.

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  1. Jonathan Gorelick-Feldman, David MacLean, Nebojsa Ilic, Alexander Poulev, Mary Ann Lila, Diana Cheng and Ilya Raskin – Phytoecdysteroids Increase Protein Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle Cells

Phytoecdysteroids, which are structurally similar or identical to insect molting hormones, produce a range of effects in mammals, including increasing growth and physical performance. To study the mechanism of action of phytoecdysteroids in mammalian tissue, an in vitro cellular assay of protein synthesis was developed. In C2C12 murine myotubes and human primary myotubes, phytoecdysteroids increased protein synthesis by up to 20%. In vivo, ecdysteroids increased rat grip strength. Ecdysteroid-containing plant extracts produced similar results. The effect was inhibited by a phosphoinositide kinase-3 inhibitor, which suggests a PI3K-mediated mechanism.

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  1. Gadzhieva, RM, Portugalov, SN, Paniushkin, VV, Kondrat’eva II. – A comparative study of the anabolic action of ecdysten, leveton and Prime Plus, preparations of plant origin Eksp Klin Farmakol. (1995) 58: 46.

A new class of anabolic substances includes different saponins, originated from Leuzea rhaponticum sp. The effect of these substances on the human body was studied by caliperometric measurements of body folds. All tested substances taken orally for three weeks diminished fat content under conditions of daily aerobic-anaerobic training. Ekdisten and Prime Plus (combination of ekdisten and pure protein) elevated the muscle mass. The same effect of leventon was less pronounced. We showed that all substances studied elevated the magnitude of “total work”, estimated per 1 kg of body weight. Ekdisten and Prime Plus again appeared to be most efficient. The prospects of using the saponins in sport medicine are discussed.

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  1. Syrov, VA, Kurmukov, AG. – On the anabolic activity of phytoecdisone-ecdisterone extracted from Rhaponticum carthamoides. Farmakol Toksikol. (1976) 39: 690.

Introduction of phytiexdizone-exdisterone (0.5 mg/100 g) to rats for 7 days is shown to be attended by an accelerated body weight gain and also by a rising weight of the liver, heart, kidneys and musculus tibialis anterior. In these organs the total amount of protein increases. All of the above-stated changes are more marked when the substance is given to growing rats (70–80 g). In experiments on castrated sexually immature rats the androgenic action of exdisterone, unlike that of methandrostenolone, is not demonstrable.

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  1. Donald Yance, CN, AHG, SFO – Rhaponticum carthamoides

Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin, syn. Leuzea carthamoides (Willd.) DC, is a large perennial herb in the Compositae family. R. carthamoides has a wood-like horizontal rhizome, multiple long, hard roots, and is capable of growing to a height of over 6 feet. R. carthamoides grows in the pristine alpine and subalpine zones and alpine meadows of Southern Siberia. The roots and rhizomes are the medicinal parts, with the biological activity determined by phytoecdystone quantity, including ecdysterone.

This herb is a hidden jewel. R. carthamoides extract (RCE) has demonstrated a normalizing effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. RCE improves sleep, appetite, moods, mental and physical state, and the functional ability of humans under working conditions. It is a classic adaptogen possessing a wide spectrum of anabolic activities, acting on the contractile proteins of the skeletal muscles, as well as on other areas of the body including the liver, heart, kidneys, and brain. It builds lean muscle, reduces body fat, improves work and/or athletic performance, improves mental acuity, relieves depression, is a tonic for the vital organ systems, is a reliable blood- building tonic, and delays the effects of aging. It is useful for both andropause and menopause.

  1. R. Lafont and L. Dinan – Practical uses for ecdysteroids in mammals including humans: and update

Ecdysteroids are widely used as inducers for gene-switch systems based on insect ecdysteroid receptors and genes of interest placed under the control of ecdysteroid-response elements. We review here these systems, which are currently mainly used in vitro with cultured cells in order to analyse the role of a wide array of genes, but which are expected to represent the basis for future gene therapy strategies. Such developments raise several questions, which are addressed in detail.

First, the metabolic fate of ecdysteroids in mammals, including humans, is only poorly known, and the rapid catabolism of ecdysteroids may impede their use as in vivoinducers.

A second set of questions arose in fact much earlier with the pioneering “heterophylic” studies of Burdette in the early sixties on the pharmacological effects of ecdysteroids on mammals. These and subsequent studies showed a wide range of effects, most of them being beneficial for the organism (e.g. hypoglycaemic, hypocholesterolaemic, anabolic). These effects are reviewed and critically analysed, and some hypotheses are proposed to explain the putative mechanisms involved.

All of these pharmacological effects have led to the development of a wide array of ecdysteroid-containing preparations, which are primarily used for their anabolic and/or “adaptogenic” properties on humans (or horses or dogs). In the same way, increasing numbers of patents have been deposited concerning various beneficial effects of ecdysteroids in many medical or cosmetic domains, which make ecdysteroids very attractive candidates for several practical uses.

It may be questioned whether all these pharmacological actions are compatible with the development of ecdysteroid-inducible gene switches for gene therapy, and also if ecdysteroids should be classified among doping substances.

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  1. David Winston, Steven Maimes – Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

The definitive guide to adaptogenic herbs, formerly known as “tonics,” that counter the effects of age and stress on the body.

Reveals how adaptogens increase the body’s resistance to adverse influences

Provides a history of the use of these herbal remedies and the actions, properties, preparation, and dosage for each herb

We all deal with stress every day, and every day our bodies strive to adapt and stay balanced and healthy. In Adaptogens, authors David Winston and Steven Maimes provide a comprehensive look into adaptogens, non-toxic herbs such as ginseng, eleuthero, and licorice, that produce a defensive response to stress in our bodies. Formerly known as rejuvenating herbs or tonics, adaptogens help the body to “adapt” to the many influences it encounters. They increase stamina and counter the normal effects of aging and thus are becoming important tools in sports medicine and in the prevention and treatment of chronic fatigue and other stress-related disorders.

Winston and Maimes present the historical uses of these herbal remedies in India, Russia, China, and the Americas and explain how they work and why they are so effective at combating stress-induced illness. Monographs for each adaptogen also present the latest scientific research and include the origin, traditional use, actions, properties, preparation, and dosage for each herb.

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  1. Aviva Romm – Elsevier Health Sciences

Use herbal medicines to treat women at any stage of life! Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health, 2nd Edition provides an evidence-based, patient-centered approach to botanical interventions for many different medical conditions. More than 150 natural products are covered, showing their benefits in gynecologic health, fertility and childbearing, and menopausal health. This edition includes new full-color photos of herbal plants along with a discussion of the role of botanicals in healthy aging. Written by Aviva Romm, an experienced herbalist, midwife, and physician, this unique guide is an essential resource for everyday practice of herbal medicine.

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  1. Mirzaev IuR, Syrov VN, Khrushev SA, Iskanderova SD – Effect of ecdystene on parameters of the sexual function under experimental and clinical conditions

The effects of ecdysterone and the related drug ecdysten on the sexual activity were studied under experimental and clinical conditions. A 10-day administration of ecdysterone (5 and 10 mg/kg, p.o.) improved behavioral characteristics of the sexual function in rats, the effect being especially pronounced during the fist days of experiment. The administration of ecdysten to men with the infertility diagnosis (disturbed spermatogenesis as a complication of some urologic diseases) increased the copulative function and improved the sperm quality. The administration of ecdysten to patients in the stage of recovery upon myocardial infarction also improved the sexual function.

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  1. Ladislav Kokoska a, Dagmar Janovska – Chemistry and pharmacology of Rhaponticum carthamoides

Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin is a perennial herb, commonly known as a maral root or Russian leuzea, which has been used for centuries in eastern parts of Russia for its marked medicinal properties. This review based on 117 literary sources, with many of them being originally published in non-English languages (mainly in Russian), discusses the current knowledge of traditional uses, chemistry, biological effects and toxicity of this species. Several different classes of compounds were previously isolated from various parts of R. carthamoides of which the main groups are steroids, particularly ecdysteroids, and phenolics (flavonoids and phenolic acids) accompanied with polyacetylenes, sesquiterpene lactones, triterpenoid glycosides and terpenes (essential oil). A comprehensive account of the chemical constituents is given in this review (figures of 120 structures are shown). Various types of preparations, extracts and individual compounds derived from this species have been found to possess a broad spectrum of pharmacological effects on several organs such as the brain, blood, cardiovascular and nervous systems as well as on different biochemical processes and physiological functions including proteosynthesis, work capacity, reproduction, and sexual function. Moreover, the extracts and preparations from the plant, which are hopefully safe, exhibited various additional biological effects e.g. antioxidant, immunomodulatory, anticancerogenic, antimicrobial, antiparasitic and insect antifeedant or repellent activities. The results of data analysis on the chemical, pharmacological and toxicological characteristics of R. carthamoides support the view that this species has beneficial therapeutic properties and indicate its potential as an effective adaptogenic herbal remedy. Finally, some suggestions for further research on chemical and pharmacological properties are given in this review.

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