Carnipure is a brand of Carnitine manufactured by the company Lonza.  This is the only trademarked brand you want to use.  Lonza invented this high quality Carnitine almost 30 years ago in Switzerland.  Any other cartine you use might be coming from China.

Taking it a step further with my reviews by recommending a BRAND!

Remember I’m a supplement expert with over 15 years experience in buying and manufacturing supplements.  Anyone can recommend a supplement but isnt the next question always, “What BRAND is the best?”.  Well that is the problem.  Because you wont know unless you ask an expert.  Asking this question on a forum only gets you amateur consumer responses which is quite frankly a ridiculous way to take a recommendation with something you’re putting into your body.  But you’re in luck because I am a REAL supplement expert.  I have over 10 years dealing with FDA lawyers, manufacturing consultants, employing dietary supplement experts, knowledge of the Code of Federal Regulations 111’s for dietary supplements, and much more!  I am a qualified supplement expert manufacturer, not just a science guy.  I am the real deal when it comes to recommending quality supplements because I take it a step further and recommend a brand and give you the reason(s) why!

Here is the brand that I recommend you buy

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