Like supplements, their are a ton a books about working out. Most of them suck and are fad driven. Here is a list of books that are my favorite.
- Dr. Colker. My good friend and guru to a lot of professional athletes and movie stars. His book is the ONLY book you’ll need to learn how to workout. I read it over and over to refresh my memory on proper form and reps.
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2. Not convinced soy sucks or want to see how BAD these soy companies really are. This book is the best book about the soy ever written
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3. Dr. Beradi. Good book for skinny dudes. Its not better than Colkers but its really good.
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Now next is something really cool. It is the old Muscle Media 2000 magazine. These magazines we’re the best. Lots of good info about supplements, steroids, working out, and food.
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