Curcumin supplements are everywhere. And if you are looking for the best curcumin supplement, look no further than NovaSOL curcumin. This is the best curcumin supplement for several reasons. Let me give you the bullet points. After reading these bullet points you’ll see why this is my recommendation for the best curcumin supplement.
- The biomimetic micelle matrix is completely stable at gastric pH and is FULLY delivered to the intestinal wall for maximum absorption.
- The published study shows that on average NovaSOL® Curcumin 185X more bioavailable than native Curcumin…
- Curcumin is unsurpassed in the market today. The C-Max, T-Max and Retention levels are so exponentially higher than any other product due to the fact that most Curcumin is excreted out through the liver within 2 hours of ingesting and NovaSOL®Curcumin remains in the plasma for over 24 hours!
- NovaSOL® Curcumin gives the consumer the maximum therapeutic dose (bioequivalent to 10-15 grams) to treat disorders stemming from anti-inflammatory and antioxidant conditions such as arthritis, joint pain, heart health and even Alzheimer’s at a simple dosing of 500-700mg x 2 capsules per day compared to 25 capsules of normal powdered Curcumin.
[clickToTweet tweet=”In a nutshell, Novasol is the best curcumin because the absorption is just out of this world! ” quote=”In a nutshell, Novasol is the best curcumin because the absorption is just out of this world! “] Check out this graph
I’ve been researching supplements that have something to do with breast cancer all month. A few weeks ago I recommend a supplement called curcumin. And the product that I recommend for the best curcumin was this.
Best Curcumin
[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B00Z76WTXI” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bp025-20″ width=”123″]
It had some great research behind it. But you see with me, I never stop researching as I have found that you can always find bigger and better supplements out there, or look to create one yourself.
In addition to thisbest curcumin supplement above, I have found another really good curcumin supplement that has a ton of research behind it. It comes from a company called Arjuna, and they make a patented curcumin called BCM-95. Now what I like about this supplement is that is gives you the curcuminoid content. Plus, and this is a big plus they have done a ton of studies around it. Here’s one of them.
Medical Journal Integrative Cancer Therapy year 2011; 10(2):192-20 Authors Jiang, et al. (if you click on this link just translate from your browser)
Now again the key is to find a supplement company that ACTUALLY uses this BCM-95 and does not try to rip you off by using a cheap Chinese rip off version. Believe me it is very common for this to happen.
Here is the BCM-95 that I recommend.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B00EEEGEGM” locale=”US” tag=”bp025-20″]EuroPharma – Terry Naturally CuraMed with BCM-95 750 mg. – 120 Softgels[/easyazon_link]
What you can do it alternate between the Delta Nutrition Curcumin and the BCM-95. Both are excellent products.
Finally one more that I found interesting is this supplement
[easyazon_link identifier=”B004J4QX7C” locale=”US” tag=”bp025-20″]EcoNugenics – BreastDefend 120c [Health and Beauty][/easyazon_link]
You would be this AFTER you purchased the two above. This is simply for an overall healthy supplement for women.
Good Luck and I wish all those battling breast cancer that they can win the battle and for a long life afterward! 🙂
S. Hagl, M. Heinrich, A. Kocher, C. Schiborr, J. Frank, G.P. Eckert
J Prev Alz Dis 2014;1(2):80-83
Preventive strategies for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) should start early at a prodromal stage. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been found to play an important role in the initiation of both aging and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Curcumin, a widely used spice and food-coloring agent, is a polyphenol derived from the rhizome of Curcuma longa. It is known to have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-protein-aggregate activities which are usually considered beneficial for mitochondrial function. We assessed brain mitochondrial function and concentrations of soluble Aβ40 in a mouse model of AD (Thy1-APP751SL transgenic mice) after 3-week administration of curcumin micelles. Curcumin micelles are a newly developed formulation that account for increased curcumin bioavailability. Curcumin treatment had positive effects on mitochondrial membrane potential and respiratory control ratio. Additionally, it decreased levels of soluble Aβ40 in brains of Thy1-APPSL transgenic mice. Hence, curcumin micelles are a promising neutraceutical for the prevention of AD.
S. Hagl ; M. Heinrich ; A. Kocher ; C. Schiborr ; J. Frank ; G.P. Eckert(2014): CURCUMIN MICELLES IMPROVE MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION IN A MOUSE MODEL OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE.The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease (JPAD).
The scam that is breast cancer month is almost over. The campaign to raise FEAR, cough cough, I mean awareness is coming to a close. To end the month I want to make my final recommendation on a supplement to help support breast cancer ( an I don’t mean giving money). Because anyone can Google this but only an expert like myself can see which supplement company is actually using the ingredient that I recommend and not trying to rip you off by using some cheap alternative from China. Which is the case is 95% of the supplements out there unfortunately.
But before I give you my recommendation let me remind everyone this….
“Despite what Komen and others would have you believe, breast cancer mortality rates are nearly the same today as they were 25 years ago. This was when the breast cancer awareness campaign first started gaining momentum, evolving into the global fundraising movement it is today. In 1991, it is estimated that 119 women died every single day in the US from breast cancer. In 2015 that figure has decreased only slightly to 100 breast cancer deaths daily, despite supposed advancements in mammogram screenings and treatment protocols.”
So before you get that mammogram, take those chemo drugs, and radiation, I recommend going first to Watch the videos and read the article and start asking questions. Then make a decision you’ll be comfortable with. I’m giving you this recommendation because I made the mistake of NOT doing this research when my mother was “diagnosed” with breast cancer (I put that in quotes because I dont even know if that is the truth). But I do know the facts. And the fact of the matter is that the chemo drugs the doctors gave her to treat her breast cancer gave her leukemia, and that killed her. She never took any supplements, continued to eat sugar and other foods that you shouldnt be when you have cancer, and never sought advise from doctors OTHER than ones tied to the pharmaceutical companies.
Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.