Every person must stay fit to be highly productive and full of energy for many years. The gym is the ultimate temple for those who wish to stay fit and build body. But traveling must also be a part of your life. Exploring new things regularly can engage you in a totally new experience and help you gain a tremendous amount of knowledge. Not to mention, the adrenaline rush that you would feel is like burning huge amount of calories in itself.

However, when you are traveling for a month or so, you won’t get the comfort of hitting the gym whenever you want to like in your home. In that case, you must have some means in the foreign lands to do the same. Why don’t you rent a car? While taking a local bus can be considerably cheap, car rentals can solve a great lot of problems. For example, you don’t have to wait for the bus, get down in some stops and walk a few blocks to reach your desired gym. If you own a rental car, you can drive all the way to the gym whenever you like.

In addition, car rentals can be useful in a great number of ways. No other modes of transportation can give you the convenience a rental car can give. You can go anywhere you want whenever you want to. You can discover great new locations in your own comfort and peace.

Experience all the above-mentioned possibilities, when you travel, with Rental24H.com!

Other Ways of Keeping Yourself Fit During Long Travel

Most of us cannot always be lucky enough to find the right gym for our needs. You may stumble upon some crappy gym when you are in the traveling mode. So always relying on a gym cannot satisfy your exercising needs.

There are plenty of ways you can burn those extra calories that you have gained over the delicious dinner or delectable lunch. Let’s go through all the possible ways you can burn your calories while you are busy exploring the planet.

Bike rides

Bike rides are the most loved activity anyone does while traveling. A long bike ride will not only help you go visit great places around the area, but it will also help you burn calories at the same time. It is considered a low-intensity exercise. Go out on the bike for the entire day and you will definitely see the difference by the end of the day.

To get better results, try cycling. You can put on your cycling gear and go around the hilly area of the place you are visiting. You can burn hundreds of calories every time you go out for cycling.


If you are traveling a coastal region, why don’t you take advantage of walking along the beaches? Many athletes run along the beaches to burn the maximum number of calories.

Walking on the soft sand of the beaches has proved to be killer burnout exercise. Many experts have claimed that one walk along the beach can burn twice the amount you burn during the normal walk.

However, while you walk along the beach, as a safety measure, wear shoes to avoid splints on your shins. You will find it hard to even walk for a few minutes on the beach sand, but never give up.

Beach volleyball

While you are enjoying your excursion in the coastal area, don’t miss out on having a fun time at the beach by playing beach volleyball. It is not only fun but it is an ultimate calorie burner.

With an intense game of beach volleyball, you can easily burn over 150 calories an hour. In addition to the health benefits, you can meet so many new people and learn a new game with them.

Surfing, swimming, and snorkeling

Your beach exercise doesn’t just stop at walking and beach volleyball. There are a whole lot of recreational activities that can be fun and at the same time help you burn a major chunk of those stubborn calories off your body.

Surfing is everyone’s favorite. Challenging the sea waves with your surfboard is the best activity to pass time with. But, the best part of surfing is that you can burn a lot of calories as every muscle in your body must be utilized in this activity.

Swimming is another best way to burn calories and maintain a beautiful body. Taking long dive on the beach can help you enjoy the cool water and at the same time, burn those extra calories you gained over the vacation.

You cannot be vacationing on a beach and miss on snorkeling. Fix your snorkel and fins and dive into the beach for ultimate calorie cracking exercise and some fun! If you find a beach that has low waves, swim a few laps and get your blood pumping.


Adding elevation to your walk can result in burning more number of calories. So pack your backpack, and scale that high elevation in the area you are traveling. You will not only get some cardio exercise done, but you will also enjoy the mother nature surrounding you.

If you are traveling someplace new, you can always check out about the local hiking adventures nearby with your hotel manager.


Everyone loves golf. Dressing up for golf, roaming around the golf course with clubs in the cart, and drinking beers while you enjoy the game; who will not love that during the relaxing vacation?

But, the downside is, this activity may spike up your calories. To make your golf course adventures worth the while, give up the ride on your cart, and walk around the golf course on your own. This is a sure way to burn around 200 to 300 calories per hour.


This is one sport that looks easy but will have you in all your fours within a few minutes of playing it. Tennis is a game that will get your muscles worked out within a few minutes if you are not accustomed to the game. It requires a lot of jumping and running around the tennis court chasing the ball.

If you are looking for a way to burn the last night’s dinner calories, tennis is the sport for you. You can easily burn up to 400 calories per hour.


When you are on foreign land, you can’t help but shop. You would want to try out new clothing styles or buy gifts for your friends and family back home. This requires you to walk up and down the streets, malls, shops, and stairs. This is a sure way to burn calories. So, when you are out shopping, stop taking elevators and eating heavy food in the food court. Instead, eat light and take the staircase and decide to walk down the streets to burn a lot of calories and compensate to a day you have missed hitting the gym.

How to be Determined to Stay in Shape While Traveling?

There are so many weekends when we may have decided it was our cheat day and did not hit the gym. The same ghost may haunt us when we are out enjoying our vacation in foreign lands. So, how to work out with great determination when you are out of town? We explain how you can achieve the impossible.

Make exercising your constant!

Never and ever give an excuse to not get those muscles working. Whether you are out on a business or just pleasure, make exercising your constant companion.

When you wake up in the morning on foreign land, the first thing you do is quick and easy exercises that pump up your blood circulation and helps you burn calories.

Make exercising a part of your daily schedule so that you feel down if you go one day without working out.

Plan your workout session ahead of your schedule

Before you leave for any trip, you would have your itineraries ready. But, you must stop and look through it again. Have you included a time slot for workout session? If not, you have to start planning your workout sessions ahead of your trip.

If you are going to someplace remote and you do not have access to the gym, you can do some simple exercises that can help you maintain a good physique and be healthy during the stressful travel. These exercises may consist of a push exercise like handstands or pull-ups, a pull exercise like pull-ups or rows, a leg exercise like squats or lunges, and a core exercise like planks.

Plan to eat healthily

We know how tempting foreign cuisine is. It is simply not possible to enjoy a trip to a distant land and not try the special recipes of those places. But you must check the nutritional values of each food that you have. You have to see how it’s affecting your health.

Every beer, french fry, or cookie you try in the far away land, can add up to your calories. So how can you avoid this? There is a simple way of doing it. Plan your meal ahead of time so that you can still eat all the local food of the place where you are vacationing.

You can do that by skipping a meal in between, maybe breakfast or lunch. Then you can eat whatever you like without gaining any extra calories.

Another way of preparing yourself for a heavy meal is eating healthy ahead of time. Eating healthy may involve some veggies and protein-rich food.

Whatever plan you choose, one thing must always be on your mind – never eat a bad meal twice in a row. Because there are chances that you will gain a whole lot of extra calories that may turn out to be too difficult to burn. So, if you had a bad meal at dinner, always follow it by eating healthy at breakfast.

Stay Active

Are you stranded at the airport? Don’t waste even a minute sitting around checking social media accounts. Take a walk around the airport. This will kill your time and calories!

During your excursion, you may find yourself wasting a lot of time waiting for a cab or bus or even hotel keys. Utilize this time to be active but never feel lazy and start procrastinating.

If you stranded somewhere, just get up and go for a walk, jog, or even better hike!

Get good sleep

Sleep is the mother of all medicine! If you are sleep deprived even for a day, your body will feel tired soon and you will have trouble digesting food. This will only trouble you further. Getting a good amount of sleep is necessary.

In case you are jetlagged, the best medicine is just to go out for a jog. This will definitely help your brain and body to think straight about the time difference.

Stay hydrated

Because of the pressurization of the airplane cabin, we tend to lose body water content. This will leave you highly dehydrated and tired. Don’t let this happen. Keep yourself hydrated all the time while you are traveling.


Traveling is the best medicine for anyone. Whether you are a student, professional, corporate employee, artist, or a gym freak, traveling will relieve you of the stress you have felt in your body.

Nevertheless, that does not mean you have to stop working out. Keeping yourself fit even while you are traveling is a great skill, one that everyone must learn.

While a great gym may be around the corner from your hotel, the cost may discourage you from hitting the gym. Never give up! You can always do some lunges, squats, push-ups, pull-ups, walking, and jogging to compensate for the loss. If you are feeling lazy, just take a dip in your resort pool and do some laps. This ought to burn those unwanted calories you have gained over foreign food cuisine.

When it comes to food, never try to compromise on it. Go ahead and eat the various cuisines available in that restaurant you like. However, always eat light ahead in time.