Supplementing your diet with protein powder is an efficient solution to supply your body with the nourishment it needs. People take them for many reasons: losing weight, enhancing athletic performance, muscular, and general health and wellness.
But today, many opt for healthier supplementary options. This sparked the introduction of plant-based protein powder. This type of protein powder provides consumers with a good amount of healthy protein easily absorbed by the body.
Let’s look deeper at its benefits and see if it’s the ideal option for you.
It Lowers Blood Pressure
Hypertension is a type of cardiovascular disease. Nearly half of adults in the United States have high blood pressure. Leading causes of death in the United States are heart disease and stroke, both of which can be triggered by undetected hypertension.
According to a 2016 study published by Harvard Medical School, increasing plant protein intake was connected to lower mortality risk, particularly cardiovascular mortality. This finding is supported by a meta-analysis of 39 research studies published in April 2014 in JAMA Internal Medicine, showing that a vegetarian diet like plant-based protein powder generally lowers blood pressure more than an omnivorous diet.
It’s Iron-Rich
Around 10 million Americans are iron deficient so adding pea protein powder into your diet is a smart way to boost your supply of iron. Pea protein and other plant-based protein sources provide a valuable supply of iron. It typically provides 25-30% of an adult’s daily iron needs.
This protein powder is an ideal source of iron and extra protein. It can also become a substitute for whey protein or other animal-based protein powders in your diet.
It’s Tummy-Friendly
Plant protein powder is far easier for the body to metabolize and absorb than whey protein powder. Furthermore, people with food allergies or who are on a dairy-free or gluten-free diet may find plant-based protein powders, like pea protein, to be an appealing option. Pea protein powder could be easier to digest for those who have allergies to gluten and dairy.
It Promises Better Calorie Control
Plant-based protein powder naturally has fewer calories because of its plant nature. Vegetables provide half the calories of animal-based goods, so you can eat twice as much. Therefore, if you’re trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or improve your athletic performance, plant-based protein can help you manage your daily calorie intake.
It Protects You Against Type 2 Diabetes
The Buzzrx Blog reports that 90–95 percent of individuals with diabetes develop type 2. Around 422 million people are living with type 2 diabetes, and its prevalence is quickly increasing in middle- and low-income nations.
Consumption of animal protein and fats is linked to increased insulin resistance and the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Exceptionally high intakes of processed red meat have been linked to the disease.
The good thing is that you can minimize the risk of type 2 diabetes by adopting a diet rich in plant-based proteins. According to a study published by PLoS Medicine in June 2016, eating a plant-based diet has reduced the chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes by 34%.
The American Diabetes Association claims that this is due to the decreased saturated fat content of plant foods compared to animal foods, which increases cholesterol levels and the chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes.
It Keeps Your Brain Healthy
Brain health doesn’t deteriorate with age. It’s our diet and lifestyle that affects our brain health the most. A plant-based diet has been shown to preserve brain health and potentially reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
It Reduces Risk of Stroke
A recent study headed by experts at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health reveals that individuals who eat diets rich in healthy plant-based foods and lower in less healthy plant-based foods may decrease their risk of stroke.
It is possible to avoid 80% of all strokes. One way to cut the risk is to add more vegetables and fruit to your diet. For the record, people who ate the most of this food group had a 21% lower risk of stroke than those who ate the least.
It Boosts Metabolism
Even without regular exercise, switching to a plant-based diet has the potential to increase your metabolism, helping you lose or maintain weight. It’s because digesting plant-based goods requires more energy from the body.
Plant-based protein powders require longer digestion than animal-based powders because of their high fiber content. The more effort you put into metabolizing plant protein, the more efficiently your body will process food and burn fat.
It Helps You Lose Weight
Consuming plant-based proteins is a smart option to avoid putting on extra pounds. This is linked to the advantage of plant-based proteins for healthy brain function. Furthermore, the brain’s ability to send satiety signals to the body is enhanced by eating plant-based proteins. This will make it easier to say “no” to refills at mealtimes and keep your weight from increasing.
It Reduces Cancer Risk
Every year, cancer kills 10 million people worldwide and ranks as the second major cause of death. However, reports state that a third of all cancers can be prevented.
According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, a diet high in vegetables, fruit, beans, grains, seeds, and nuts is the best way to absorb cancer-protective nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Thus, you can consume plant-based protein to reduce your cancer risk.
Final Thoughts
A plant-based diet offers essential nutrients you can’t get from any other form of diet. Innovative plant-based goods, such as plant-based nutrient powder, are the most effective supplement to physical exercise. Plus, its advantages for improving health are supported by scientific evidence.