PROTEINFACTORY® is lead by a team of dietary supplement manufacturing experts.  Being manufacturing experts means that you get the safest, true to label claim, more effective supplements in the world.  In addition this is what makes us stand out over all other supplement companies.  Other supplement companies fail to be compliant with the FDA 111’s Code of Federal Regulations for Manufacturing Dietary Supplement, and most do not have any idea what it means to be compliant.  In addition they lack quality control personnel.

CEO of is Alex Rogers.  Alex is considered one of the world’s top experts in protein supplement manufacturing.  His approach to selling dietary supplements is complete transparency because he feels his customers should know exactly what they are getting.  He was the first to educate the supplement buyers about

Head of quality control is Melissa Christopher.  Melissa has been dealing in FDA quality control for years and has dealt with the FDA directly.  She controls everything from Master Manufacturing records to identity testing.  She is considered one of the nations best experts on the FDA 111’s.  She is responsible to ensure all of our products meet label claims and are safe to use.