As of Sept 27th 2021, my current recommendation to buy SARMs is Paradigm Peptides.

rad 140 dosage

A 3rd party lab analysis proves that the product is exactly what it is supposed to be.  A certificate of analysis is a lab test from the manufacturer that sells it to the SARM company that packages it and sells it to you.

Here’s how the manufacturing of SARMS works and how it gets to you.

  1. an entrepreneur decides he wants to get into the SARMS business
  2.  SARMS are NOT legal supplements, therefore, the entrepreneur needs to seek out an underground source or make them himself.
  3. Raw SARMS are ONLY made overseas, mainly China, and the entrepreneur contacts them to buy bulk powder.
  4. The entrepreneur is provided the certificate of analysis from a Chinese SARM manufacturer.  However this does NOT guarantee the quality.  Anyone can FAKE a certificate of analysis.
  5.  The entrepreneur imports the bulk SARMS powder and makes it into a product for consumer use.
  6. BEFORE distribution the entrepreneur sends this SARM product out to a laboratory and gets it tested to guarantee and verify that it truly is that particular SARM.

Above is how the process should work.  I would NEVER buy a SARM that did NOT have a 3rd party lab analysis, bottom line.  No way shape or form can you be guaranteed the quality if you are being a sucker for the certificate of analysis. The 3rd party lab analysis is maybe $200.00 tops.  If a SARMS seller is to cheap to get his SARM tested by a 3rd party lab, then you know he’s greedy cheat.


Ligandrol or LGD-4033 (Ligandrol, Anablicum, LGD-4033) –

This SARM is one of the most powerful on the market.  This was first developed in preparations for developed for the treatment of acute muscle atrophy and osteoporosis.

This SARM is one of the most powerful on the market.  This was first developed in preparations for developed for the treatment of acute muscle atrophy and osteoporosis.

his SARM is one of the most powerful on the market.  This was first developed in preparations for developed for the treatment of acute muscle atrophy and osteoporosis.

LGD-4033 exhibits extremely anabolic activity in bone and muscle tissue without damaging the sebaceous glands, prostate and no effect on the overall hormonal balance. The product allows you to quickly gain lean muscle mass, reduce body fat, as well as significantly increase the endurance and individual power rates.

Unlike most competitors, we guarantee the maximum level of purification of the active substance and the optimal dosage of the product in each capsule. Ligandrol from Anabolic Brew is made by a certified pharmaceutical company and has passed all the required quality checks for GMP practices.


Ligandrol LGD 4033 Review

Ligandrol, also called LGD 4033 is a SARM other wise know as aselective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). Here’s everything you should understand about Ligandrol.


  • increase lean muscle mass and strength parameters;
  • effective fat burnin
  • a marked increase in strength and endurance;
  • prevent muscle loss.


  • compatible with other additives;
  • No affect the level of hemoglobin, and the QT interval in the ECG;
  • NO causes an increase in estradiol level;
  • NO affect the PSA level;
  • NO carries water retention in the body;
  • Not addictive;
  • NO rollback phenomenon.


5 – 15 mg per day for eight weeks, depending on the desired results. The average recommended dose – 10 mg per day.

Studies on Ligandrol.  In this study, the authors concluded that LGD-4033 is well tolerated.


What is Ligandrol?

Ligandrol is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that’s popular among bodybuilders and athletes for both bulking and cutting. At doses of 10mg daily, on a monthly basis this SARM was demonstrated to lead to 5 to 10 pounds of lean mass increases.

As a side effect free alternative to steroids, Ligandrol can be used in the bodybuilding and athletic competitions.

It seems to be popular for bulking although Ligandrol may be used for both cutting and bulking. You will find testimonials of extraordinary weight gain improvement while choosing Ligandrol. Occasionally these weight increases can be substantial which they arouse feeling as you’ll learn in another section about quarterback Will Grier.

LGD 4033 is relatively strong in comparison with products that are similar. It’s an anabolic/androgenic ratio of about 10:1. Testosterone’s ratio is 1:1. To set that ratio in view some sources also claim that Ligandrol is 11 times more powerful than its popular competition.

Ligandrol and Will Grier

For getting specific football players Ligandrol continues to be making headlines in recent weeks. Florida Gators quarterback Will Grier was recently suspended for PED use. Grier was discovered to have Ligandrol in his system during a regular evaluation.

Ligandrol isn’t officially classified as a steroid, but it truly is prohibited as a performance enhancing drug. Because of this, Grier will serve. The quarterback is currently experiencing an appeals procedure and full details of the Analysis have not been released. The majority of the reports of the drug come from NFL insider-type sources so we still have lots to learn.

One source released on asserts that Grier took Ligandrol to gain 19.5 Kilograms. In his freshman year, Grier weighed 78.01 kilograms. By his sophomore year, he previously bulked up to 97.5 kilograms.

Grier may function as the most outstanding Ligandrol drug user (that we know about). On the other hand, the drug is apparently popular with a broad variety of professionals and athletes, including:

— Bodybuilders

— Strongmen

— Crossfitters

— Models

— Powerlifters

How Does Ligandrol Work?

Ligandrol works as a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). That means it’s a high affinity. The “particular” part of the name comes in the fact that it just binds to androgen receptors in your muscles (not in your bones, or other regions of the body where androgen receptors are found).

The drug has valid medical uses as well as used as a performance. The LGD 4033 drug was initially developed to treat muscle wasting illnesses (like muscular dystrophy). These illnesses are linked with disorders like old age, sickness, and cancer.

How to Buy Ligandrol

Ligandrol isn’t now prohibited or prohibited (unless you’re playing professional or collegiate sports that have prohibited special PEDs like Ligandrol).

It’s available from retailers that are online that are specific. One site called sells LGD 4033 at a cost of $40, for example. $40 gets you LGD-4033 at a concentration of 10mg/mL (30mL total).

That gives you 3 to 6 doses of the supplement since the typical dose is 5 to 10mg daily.

The nutritional supplement is taken orally so there’s no need to put needles anywhere near your butt cheeks.

Some nutritional supplement makers that are lesser quality will also be selling LGD in capsule form. Nevertheless, these concentrations are not incredibly strong compared to the liquid solution that is oral. Then oral liquid Ligandrol is your most suitable choice if you’re serious about making big increases.

In comparison with other SARMs, Ligandrol isn’t comparatively expensive, with some sources allegedly paying $40 to run it.

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What to Expect When Taking Ligandrol

Increases of 1 to 1.5 pounds per week have been reported while taking LGD. These increases happen while eating somewhat above care calories on a high protein diet.

Many reviewers claim their gains are “steroid-like”.

Because these weight gains could only occur from glycogen super condensation there’s some controversy over Ligandrol. In layman’s terms, which means the steroid-like properties of Ligandrol are currently showing your body to store more carbs and water than usual.

Once you’ve cycled away and quit taking Ligandrol, it is possible to anticipate to lose a little of the weight you gained. These losses happen just because glycogen is lost.

How Much Ligandrol Should You Take?

Ligandrol is mostly used at dosages of 5 to 10mg daily.

After three or four weeks, some users advocate raising your dosage by 1 or 2mg. Cycle off Ligandrol every 6-13 weeks.

Side Effects of Ligandrol

Ligandrol isn’t connected with any significant side effects thus far. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any side effects.

Some studies, for example, have revealed that Testosterone levels can be seriously suppressed and reduce by Ligandrol while also curbing and lowering sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels.

On the other hand, the good thing is that after taking LGD 4033 it is only going to take a really brief time (1 to 3 weeks) for your testosterone levels to return to normalcy. Because FSH or LH will not affect getting back to standard doesn’t take much time.

There have been no reported estrogenic system changes after taking LGD 4033 reported. However, some users will prefer to take an aromatase inhibitor regardless. A miniature Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) treatment is advocated. Yet, it’s not necessarily demanded because Ligandrol does not affect you enough to influence other unwanted side effects or libido difficulties.

Finally, Ligandrol isn’t associated with liver toxicity: so you’re not doing long-term damage to your own body’s organs.

Who Should Use Ligandrol?

Finally, Ligandrol is a legal steroid alternative that seems to function in the same way to steroids but with no side effects that are dangerous. As long as you’re not a Florida Gators quarterback (or playing sports that have prohibited PEDs); subsequently Ligandrol could be a powerful nutritional supplement to supercharge your bulking routine.