Just Say No To C of A’s


FREE PDF:  “C of A,” vs. 3rd Party Analysis

 Is There A Difference?

 Listen, I send fun, funny, and I confess sometimes even gimmicky emails, but it is NO SECRET my sole intention for the last 16 years of running Protein Factory is…

 GIVING YOU the best information about protein, supplements, and the shady supplement industry. 


 No matter how many BIG supplement companies had their lawyers send me lawsuit letters the last few weeks, since my protein spiking report came out, exposing them.

 Which lead to many people like you calling them on their spiked protein…

 I will not stop exposing the cheaters, liars, and swindlers, to make sure the you, the public has the most reliable information possible on their supplements.

 So you can buy the best, and safest protein and supplements available, even if they are not from me.

 So here’s another report that EXPOSES even the most heavily disguised, quote UN-quote, science backed companies out there AND…  

 It’ s sure to get me a few more lawyer letters to wipe my dogs… feet with. (it’s snowing in Jersey 🙂

 Your Free Report: C of A vs. 3 Party Analysis

 The simple fact is, proteinfactory.com is not the best because of outlandish ideas, slick emails, top notch marketing techniques or giant retail store cronies…

 It’s the best because it’s made up of myself and a few people, that actually care about you, follow the rules, and source the best products on the planet.

 We would want it done for us, and we will continue to do it for you.

 Read the report here, it’s short and NECESSARY if you take any supplements and care what’s in them.