More Protein Powders Fail Lab Tests! Some by over 40%!! Is Your Brand Here?

Anthony Roberts just posted an article on Medium of a huge list of protein companies that FAILED lab tests for protein.   If I told everyone once, I’ll tell it to you again.  [clickToTweet tweet=”You have to be VERY careful when buying any supplement, especially protein.” quote=”You have to be VERY careful when buying any supplement, especially protein.”] You see companies do not do any testing on their protein powders whatsoever and simply buy it from the manufacturers and then sell it to you.  The law of the land, which is the FDA 111’s for dietary supplements, clearly states that supplements must be validated for measurable ingredients BEFORE released into commerce.  As you can see from these lab tests… is not getting done.

Remember my rules for buying protein.

  1. ask for that 3rd party lab analysis
  2. look for zero’s in the supplement facts panel…they should not be there.
  3. buy supplement facts panel protein, not nutrition facts protein

Forget all that and just simply buy my protein…it is the best.  and of course 3rd party lab tested.

