Update From The Research & Development Desk

@proteinfactory.com #greenscreen update from the research and development desk . Alex Rogers, President of Protein Factory talks about latest news in the protein universe. #proteinpowder #proteinfactory ♬ original sound – Protein Factory

Alex Rogers (Speaker)

All right, guys. Update on new protein powders, because that’s what I love to do. I love talking new protein powders. And something that is trying to bust through in the sports nutrition industry, and it hasn’t gone through yet, is fermented protein. And it’s pretty crazy. There’s companies out there that are taking yeast and actually… There’s a couple other medians that they’re using and making protein out of that. It’s pretty incredible.

So one company’s calling it post biotic biomass protein, and these products are being developed overseas. I don’t think there’s any companies in the US that are making fermented protein yet, but from what I’m seeing, I have tried one. It came out of Israel. I actually bought one in from Israel, and I don’t think it’s ready yet, but it’s tasteless. I’ve tried it. It doesn’t have a taste. It’s 80 to 90% protein and it’s good, but I just need to see more, I guess more data on it. Is this protein similar to whey or is it better than whey? Is it similar to pea or some other garbage protein like almond protein? What are these proteins? We just don’t know.

I know they’re making them to replace meat proteins. European companies are trying to be more sustainable, which I don’t think sustainability is anybody’s concern that buys protein powder. I know for me, if I’m on the shelf and I’m looking to buy protein powder, I’m not looking to see if it’s sustainable or not. I mean, there’s a few people out there that may be looking, but not me. Me personally, I just want to know if it’s going to help me build muscle or not, or going to help me with recovery. Okay.

A couple other proteins that I’m working on or playing around with is buffalo whey protein. You could actually get your whey protein from buffalo. Another one is goat whey. Goat whey has been out there for a while. I’m playing around with that.

And as far as pricing goes, the price of whey protein is back to sky-high, okay? Whey protein right now, inflation has just taken over the whey protein market, and I don’t see prices going any higher than what they are now. This is a historic high, just so you know. These are historic high prices that you’re paying for whey protein. But what I’m seeing and what people are telling me that are in the dairy commodity business, because that’s what whey protein is, is that we might see a collapse of the whey protein industry in 2025.

I think that, and I’m not into politics or whatever, but they’re saying if Kamala gets elected president, you’re going to see a collapse of the whey protein industry. And the prices will obviously will come down, which is good, but it collapses because the demand isn’t there anymore. People can’t afford… They’ll think, “Oh, I’m going to elect Kamala Harris because I want my whey protein price to go down.” But what they’re saying is the demand, the price is so high because the demand is outpacing the supply. It’s basic commodity. So what’s going to happen is people won’t be able to afford whey protein anymore so the demand will be a lot less.

But the protein manufacturers that are trying to keep up, they’ll have huge inventories that they won’t know what to do with, and it has an expiration date on it. So they’re going to have to drop the price so they can sell more. So that will cause the collapse of the whey protein industry. So it all depends, I guess, what happens in November and then a few months after that, depending on what happens with economic policies and all that other stuff. Because, as of right now, Europe is still the number one manufacturer of whey protein, followed by New Zealand and then the US. Okay? So you see that.

What else have I been working on? I’m interested in collagen based on not… Giving people a collagen, it’s not based on sports nutrition, but it’s based on health. So I’ve been working around with that. There’s a lot of different collagens out there. Most of them, I’d say 99% of them are coming from the skin of pigs and cows. I’m looking to get it from fish, and there’s another one from jellyfish.

Okay, so what else am I working on? Also, a new greens powder I’m working on. That’ll be in soon. I’m still working on my weight gain oil. That one I’m trying to import. Having a tough time doing that. That’s been the hold up on that one. Total Frag 250, more is coming in. That one is on the ocean. So if you’ve been waiting for your Total Frag 250, that’s something where I don’t have like, oh, UPS tracking. It’ll come in on Thursday. It doesn’t work like that when you import products. This is coming from overseas. It’s on the ocean freight. So hopefully it’ll be here soon.

Okay, next up is two new proteins coming out of Asia, which is really cool. One is for weight loss, the other is for muscle gains. Now, what these Asian companies are doing is that they’re isolating peptides in the protein, so these are hydrolyzed proteins technically. They’re peptide protein. So the one, I’m not going to tell you where it comes from and what source, because I don’t want anybody to find out where I’m getting it, but it increases the hormone that reduces your appetite and decreases the hormone, I think it starts with a G. Leptin is the one that suppresses the appetite. The other one, I forget, but that one increases your appetite and these peptides will reduce that. Okay?

The other one that this Asian company has is for muscle gain. They isolated five peptides. Now, I don’t know how they’re doing this. This one is a whey hydrolysate. I’d love to fly over there and watch them do this, but they’ve isolated these five peptides in whey protein hydrolysate, and those are used for muscle building. Okay? So that’s really awesome.

All right guys, that’s it. That’s for the updates. If you want the latest updates on protein powder that nobody else talks about but me, I don’t know why nobody else does, but I’m still the only guy that talks about future proteins. I don’t see it being promoted anywhere. If anything, people are going backwards. “Hey, buy some branched-chain amino acids.” Anyway, if you like what you hear, like this post, follow me. This way you could be the first to get these two new proteins from Asia and the other protein. Yeah, the other protein is pretty cool. I might just get that in for the heck of it. And anything else on updated proteins, if you want to know about protein prices and things like that. All right, I’ll see you next time.