Check Out This Bodybuilding Cookbook

My wife is an awesome cook.  Not only is she an awesome cook, but she makes the food healthy and low in sugar and other krap that you should NOT be eating.  Things like soy, dietary nitrates, artificial ingredients and artificial sweeteners, and hydrogenated oils.


As you can see she’s in pretty good shape for all the food that she eats and that she cooks for me.  She’s a great wife and makes me dinner every time I come home from work.  Most of the time, it is something different that tastes delicious.  Most of the time I could not tell you what I had to eat but it tastes great.  Like last night I know it was some sort of salmon, with corn on the cob, and rice.  It is great when you have a good cook at home because eating out all the time and getting take out sucks.  I asked her, how does she know how to make all of these things and she told me she has a cookbook.

Here’s the book she uses a lot when she cannot come up with her own ideas….

bodybuilding cookbook

It has a ton of recipes and quite frankly well worth it.  If you get a chance check it out.  It is literally a steal at only $9.00.

You can buy it here.
