Getting In Shape Is About You or Someone Else?

Facebook and Instagram are social media platforms that let you post images of yourself to essentially say to the people you want to connect with, “Look at Me!”.  Psychologists can dissect this phenomenal for years on end and what kind of effects it has on individuals and society.  In relationship to fitness and bodybuilding, I feel most people post pictures of themselves to show their progress and receive feedback.  Supposedly from what I am reading, getting the feedback, for example, a “like” on Instagram and Facebook is like getting a shot of dopamine that makes you feel good.  It whats drives people to become obsessed with social media and posting images of themselves.

But I have to ask myself, are selfies on social media for YOU or for SOMEONE ELSE?

This past weekend I headed to Vegas with my wife to celebrate her birthday.  My wife has taught me a lot about love ever since I got divorced.  One of her teachings was that she wants me to be extremely attracted to her at all times.  She does not want me to look at other women and only wants me to have eyes for her.  And I agree with her.  Why should I be looking at other women when I’m married?  And vice versa, I do not want her looking at other men as well.

Here’s my wife this past weekend standing in front of the Aria Hotel I believe.   Needless to say I”m a proud husband.


My wife workouts hard and follows a strict diet of intermittent fasting.  She uses my Capsimax and Citrus Aurantium supplements as well.  Not only does she do this for herself, but for me as well.  Working out is not easy.  It takes dedication and discipline.  Not only that but you need to endure the pain of the soreness for days afterward.  It is easy to quit and not workout.  If getting in shape and staying in shape was so easy, we’d have a lot more people walking around lean and mean.  Instead we are literally in a health crisis dealing with overweight people and the health problems it results in:  diabetics, cancer, heart disease, and more.

Therefore I appreciate her hard work so that she looks good for me.  Making sure she can fit in tight dresses and look good in Vegas is about her gift of love to me.  You can use this same mindset as well in your own personal life if you are struggling for motivation to workout and get in the gym.  Yes you workout for yourself, but if you are married, have a partner, or girlfriend, you are working out for them as well.  If both you and your wife and not working out, I’d suggest making a pact together and train together.  Men and women can do the same exact exercises in the gym.  There is no such thing as exercises that are gender specific, just like there are no supplements that are gender specific.

Getting in shape, when you’re together with someone should not only be about yourself but about your significant other as well.  I think couples that have a lot in common, like working out and training will have a healthy relationship and sex life.