Should A Supplement Store Be Responsible For Supplements They Sell?

I was in my local supplement store the other day and they had so many supplements I did not recognize it was not even funny.  I thought to myself, “Where are all these supplements coming from?”  This supplement store had about 10 different brands of prohormones, 5 different brands of SARMS, and a boat load of products that contained DMAA.  Now keep in mind that SARMS & DMAA are not considered dietary supplements by the FDA.  In fact the FDA has written official warning letters on both products.  DMAA has declared DMAA an illegal ingredient.  The FDA has also started to potentially investigate all of these companies selling SARMS.  If you google SARMS you’ll find a dozen or so companies selling them.  However, even though they are cleverly packaged to look like dietary supplements, they are not.  You have two different supplement stores selling SARMS.  One, that tries to circumnavigate the law, by marketing them as research chemicals.  Then the you have the other supplement stores, that simply sell them as muscle building aids, and could care less about the FDA and whether or not these chemical are legal or not.    Two different scenario will play out for these supplement stores.  The first one is that the FDA will send them a warning letter telling them that they are selling illegal dietary supplements.  If these supplement stores continue to sell SARMS and ignore the FDA, the FDA will file an injunction against them.  Two, a supplement store that is selling these SARMS will have a lawsuit filed against them most likely by the person that consumed them.  This will bankrupt the supplement store and that will be the end of the company.

These supplements below (the ones that contain SARMS) are illegal according to the FDA.

supplement store

Therefore I ponder the question, should an online supplement store be responsible for selling these products?  If you walk into your local supplement store owned by a local guy, and that local guy is recommending SARMS to you, or your friend, should he be legally responsible if something negatively should happen to the person who took those SARMS?

That question might have already been answered when the FDA went after for selling illegal prohormones.  As you can see the FDA fined in the millions for selling supplements with anabolics in them.

In conclusion, if you own a local supplement store or online supplement store, think twice about carrying SARMS or prohormones that the FDA might consider illegal.  You can wind up like just because you wanted to make a fast buck selling products that other places like GNC or Vitamin Shoppe will not carry.

Here is a great video on SARMS, if you have ever considered using them.