Supplement Tidbits: Natural Caffeine, Supplement Shenanigans, & Dr. Muscle

Supplement tidbits are short but informative information on supplements and other things related.  Not enough for an entire article, but significant enough to let you know about.

Organic & Natural Caffeine.

Even though I am not a fan of using caffeine as I feel it stimulates cortisol in the body, some people still want to use it.  That being said, a customer asked me for a good source of natural caffeine.  The only natural source that I know of is a product called Purcaf.  Purcaf is green tea that has been manufactured to contain high levels of natural caffeine.  Therefore supplement companies can take this natural caffeine powder and make caffeine pills.  Typically I would look for a product that was about 100mg.

The only one I could find that i 100% Purcaf is this one on

[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B01G7MDQPK” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bp025-20″ width=”160″]

Supplement Shenanigans.

Anthony Roberts, author of many articles relating to the supplement industry just posted an article on Medium about how an author doctored an article on BCAA’s.  Many of you probably know already that I think free form amino acids suck, along with BCAA’s that are in free form.   Yet they are still being pimped by the supplement industry.  Read this article because it’ll show you how the supplement industry is still contaminated with deceptive, sleazy people.

CENSORED: What Edited Out of Their Latest BCAA Article

The Best Green Tea Supplement

Green tea supplements are very popular and you can use them for weight loss and a bunch of other things.  My job is to find you the BEST versions of supplements so you can be sure you are getting the best of the best.  You just don’t want to head to GNC or Walmart, and mindlessly grab the first bottle of green tea extract you see.  This would almost certainly result in you purchasing a krap product from China, which may or may not be actually green tea supplement.

My first recommendation for a good green tea supplement is this product.

[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B0035K7CNU” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bp025-20″ width=”160″]

Just a side note here.  Stop being brainwashed and mesmerized by supplement labels and supplement marketing.  Many bodybuilding fat burners use green tea extract and then go ahead and call their products like “Extreme Melt Off”.  But then you have something like this Swanson product I recommended above that is just a plain name with plain label.  Yet the product INSIDE is far superior to any green tea supplement out there.

Greenselect has some of the best research I have ever seen, additionally, this product MAY have anti-cancer benefits.

Dr. Muscle

My friend’s bodybuilding app is having a sale.   If you’re looking for an awesome app to use while you workout..this is it!!

Check it out here