Don’t Waste Time! 7 Insider Facts About Your Casein Protein

Casein protein powder is known as a slow release protein powder. Many people use it at night or mix it with a whey protein powder to give one that anabolic/anti-catabolic effect. However, not many people know how casein protein powder is made, what to look for when buying a casein protein powder, or how to know which casein protein powders are very high quality and which ones are very low quality. Because when you purchase a casein protein powder, they all look the same, and they all say they are top quality. However as you should know by now, the supplement companies and the businesses that sell you protein powders are not going to tell you that the know nothing about the protein they sell and most likely they are selling you the cheapest casein protein powder they can buy so they can make the highest profit.

I’m going to help you with that and give you seven insider facts about casein protein powder so that you will know how to find the best casein protein powder.

Casein protein powder

Fact #1.

Casein does, in fact, come from milk.  However, it must undergo a chemical process to make it a protein powder.

Fact #2.

Sodium Hydroxide and Calcium hydroxide are added to the casein curd to make the powder into a soluble powder.  This chemical process to make the casein curd into a caseinate protein powder does severe damage to the nutritional value of the protein powder.

Fact #3.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Micellar Casein means a casein that does not undergo this chemical process.” quote=”Micellar Casein means a casein that does not undergo this chemical process.”] and instead typically goes through a filtration or prism process.

Fact #4.

Micellar casein is not produced anywhere inside of the United States.  Be careful of companies claiming their micellar casein is from the United States.

Fact #5.

Micellar casein is the only protein that has ever been shown to be anticatabolic (Boire et. al. 1997)

Fact #6.

It is next to impossible to truly know if a supplement company is using micellar casein, milk protein concentrate, sodium caseinate, or calcium caseinate.

Fact #7.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Heliogen Casein uses the most advanced technology for the production of its casein protein.” quote=”’s Heliogen Casein uses the most advanced technology for the production of its casein protein powder.”]

micellar casein protein


So how do you know if you are truly getting a micellar casein or a sodium or calcium caseinate?  Here are some things you can do.

#1.  Sodium & calcium caseinate has an off white appearance.  Almost yellowish, and tannish in color.

Take a look at our Heliogen Casein.  Notice how white the powder is.

Heliogen Casein 2lbs (Grass fed)

#2.  The taste.  A true micellar casein or microfiltration casein like our Heliogen Casein will not have a terrible taste like calcium casein or sodium caseinate.  Sodium & calcium caseinate have a very, very strong chalky mildewy taste.

#3.  Mixability.  Unfortunately, this is not a good factor to know if you have a micellar casein or sodium, calcium caseinate.

#4.  Call up the company where you want to buy it from and ask them what country it comes from.  You want it coming from France or the Netherlands.  If it is coming from India, China, or Eastern Europe, most likely you’re getting a calcium caseinate or sodium caseinate.

In conclusion, we know that you want to buy a casein that is make using the membrane filtration or prism process as described above.  It is very difficult to know what you getting when it comes to buying a micellar casein.  Most supplement companies will lie and tell you that you’re getting a micellar casein and you’re really not.  I have given you some methods to help and hopefully these will result in the purchase of a good casein protein powder.