The most revered strength training exercise and one of the big “3″, the bench press is rarely performed correctly. It seems in every gym across America, every Monday is national bench day. But unfortunately, we should label every Monday national “wreck your shoulders” day. Build a Strong Chest With the Strength Band Pec Flye 3 Surefire Moves to Bust Out Some Bigger Pecs Chisel Your Chest The Proper Way to Bench Press There are very important key points to remember when performing the bench press to ensure healthy shoulders and longevity. In fact, these key points apply to the majority of all horizontal pressing movements.
1. Keep a tight grip on the bar at all times, a tighter grip equates to more tension in the lower arms, upper back and chest. 2. Keep your chest up (thoracic extension) throughout the movement. 3. Elbows should be tucked and end up at approximately 45 degrees from your side. 4. Unrack the weight and take a deep breath and hold it. 5. Row the weight down to your chest by pulling the bar apart like a bent over row. Do not relax and let the weight drop. 6. Back, hips, g
2. Keep your chest up (thoracic extension) throughout the movement. 3. Elbows should be tucked and end up at approximately 45 degrees from your side. 4. Unrack the weight and take a deep breath and hold it. 5. Row the weight down to your chest by pulling the bar apart like a bent over row. Do not relax and let the weight drop. 6. Back, hips, glutes and legs are tight and isometrically contracted. 7. When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement. 8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT losing your arch and thoracic extension. In this “How To Bench” video, you’ll learn the perfect elbow correction, why leg drive is important for a big bench, how to
3. Elbows should be tucked and end up at approximately 45 degrees from your side. 4. Unrack the weight and take a deep breath and hold it. 5. Row the weight down to your chest by pulling the bar apart like a bent over row. Do not relax and let the weight drop. 6. Back, hips, glutes and legs are tight and isometrically contracted. 7. When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement. 8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT losing your arch and thoracic extension. In this “How To Bench” video, you’ll learn the perfect elbow correction, why leg drive is important for a big bench, how to
4. Unrack the weight and take a deep breath and hold it. 5. Row the weight down to your chest by pulling the bar apart like a bent over row. Do not relax and let the weight drop. 6. Back, hips, glutes and legs are tight and isometrically contracted. 7. When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement. 8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT losing your arch and thoracic extension. In this “How To Bench” video, you’ll learn the perfect elbow correction, why leg drive is important for a big bench, how to
5. Row the weight down to your chest by pulling the bar apart like a bent over row. Do not relax and let the weight drop. 6. Back, hips, glutes and legs are tight and isometrically contracted. 7. When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement. 8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT losing your arch and thoracic extension. In this “How To Bench” video, you’ll learn the perfect elbow correction, why leg drive is important for a big bench, how to
6. Back, hips, glutes and legs are tight and isometrically contracted. 7. When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement. 8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT losing your arch and thoracic extension. In this “How To Bench” video, you’ll learn the perfect elbow correction, why leg drive is important for a big bench, how to
7. When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement. 8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT losing your arch and thoracic extension. In this “How To Bench” video, you’ll learn the perfect elbow correction, why leg drive is important for a big bench, how to
8. Lock out the elbows WITHOUT losing your arch and thoracic extension. In this “How To Bench” video, you’ll learn the perfect elbow correction, why leg drive is important for a big bench, how to
Butt on Bench. Keep your butt on the bench while you bench the bar up. If your butt comes off the bench, the rep doesn’t count. Lock your butt on the bench by driving your upper-back and glutes into it while you Bench Press the weight. Don’t just push from your feet. If your butt still comes off the bench, check its height. Your bench must be 45cm/18″ high. If it’s lower, raise it by putting plates under it. Or get a better bench.
You can find out your max bench press without actually doing it by using our bench press calculator.
How to Bench Press with Proper Form: The Definitive Guide. (1970). Retrieved on October 24, 2016, from
Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.