Things To Know About LGD SARM

In this article, I will go into what LGD sarm is and some side effects of the use of this sarm

LGD-4033 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that usually goes by the names Anabolicum and Ligandrol. It’s mostly known for its muscle mass increasing properties that actually don’t come with the common steroidal side effects. This is part of what makes it so popular with bodybuilders and athletes.

LGD-4033 connects itself to selective androgenic receptors found in bone and muscle tissues, which allows it to avoid contact with the tissues of the body’s major organs such as the heart, colon, prostate and sebaceous glands.

As a result, this SARM doesn’t come with any of the adverse side effects often associated with steroids which tend to meddle with these major organs through the tissues.

As of Sept 26th 2021, my current recommendation to purchase SARMS is Paradigm Peptides


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HomeSarmsThe Shocking Truth About LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)

The Shocking Truth About LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)

LGD-4033 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that usually goes by the names Anabolicum and Ligandrol. It’s mostly known for its muscle mass increasing properties that actually don’t come with the common steroidal side effects. This is part of what makes it so popular with bodybuilders and athletes.

Anabolicum acts much like an anabolic steroid-based substance in that it has the ability to rapidly increase the build-up of muscle mass while reducing overall body fat.

The pharmaceutical industry refers to LGD-4033 as a SARM or “selective androgen receptor modulator.” Although initially created by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, the development of LGD-4033 can be attributed to Viking Therapeutics, which is another company altogether.


LGD-4033 connects itself to selective androgenic receptors found in bone and muscle tissues, which allows it to avoid contact with the tissues of the body’s major organs such as the heart, colon, prostate and sebaceous glands.

As a result, this SARM doesn’t come with any of the adverse side effects often associated with steroids which tend to meddle with these major organs through the tissues.


Taking LGD 4033 is very similar to cycling with Test-E for the first time, and this makes it perfect for body recomp. It’s also the closest thing you’ll get to testosterone without suffering the horrendous side effects.

It’s worth noting here that taking Ligandrol while on a calorie surplus diet and a D-bol cycle may lead to slight water retention, but it’s nothing you can’t live through. Plus, the effects are quick to subside.

During the first clinical trial of LGD-4033, participants were given a daily Ligandrol dosage of 1.0mg per day for 21 days, and this led to lean muscle mass gains of 2.66 by the end of the trial period. Now imagine the kind of results you could get if you were to take a daily dosage of 10mg for 6 weeks

  • Strength: LGD-4033 is great for breaking through a plateau. According to a majority of users, this SARM can increase cardiovascular strength and lifting strength in just three weeks.
  • Fat Loss: LGD-4033 helps to naturally build muscle mass by combating muscle breakdown instead of gunning for the usage of stored fat cells. Because muscle tissue is harder to maintain than fat, it makes sense for the body to start burning fat in order to continue functioning.
  • Great Feeling: One of the great benefits of LGD-4033 is that it gives you tons of energy and excitement throughout the day. You won’t have to go through the ups and downs associated with other drugs, but you will consistently feel positive all day.
  • Pumps: You’re most likely to maintain harder, fuller and venous muscles for longer when you cycle with LGD-4033. These results are similar to what you might experience if you were to cycle with Dianabol or Anavar, both of which are well-known, powerful SARMs.


I’ve used this SARM multiple times with great results. Even at low dosages of only 5mg a day, it was very effective. My cycles would usually last around 6 to 8 weeks and I would always end up gaining anywhere from 6 to 8 lbs of lean muscle mass.

I would also like to add that my strength shot up after just a few weeks. I was able to keep most of my gains.

No side effects at all except for some hormone suppression. I used a natural PCT product to help me recover from the cycles.


The half-life of LGD-4033 is about 30 hours. So it’s safe to take it once per day at dosages of 10mg to 22mg and still get the best results from it.

This compound is often used in a SARMs Stack. You will see that it is combined with GW-50156 and MK-2866 to maximize your results. To get the most out of LGD-4033, cycle it for 8 weeks. Make sure to take plenty of time off to help keep your testosterone levels well balanced.

If you want my advice, I would go with a Ligandrol dosage of 5 to 10mg a day. The cycle length should be anywhere from 6 to 10 weeks. This is what most users seem to go with.


The supplement industry is awash with products and new SARMs are introduced to the market all the time. This can make it difficult to select an option for your needs because there’s so much variety to choose from.

Ligandrol makes deciding easier because it offers quick and superior results without the side effects that you’d expect from a SARM. It’s a great option for anyone that’s seeking superb results while steering clear of steroids.