New Podcast On The Best Proteins In The World For 2019.

I just published a podcast on the best protein powders in the world. I made this podcast because there is so much misinformation on Youtube on what the best protein powders are. And let me be 100% clear with you.


I don’t care where you look, what any supplement company owner claims, what any so-called Youtuber claims, the has the best protein powders. Until someone or some company comes out with a protein powder that is less denatured and is more “usable” by the body, or in essence, builds muscle better, than is #1. The closest powder to beating what I sell is the fertile egg yolk powder. And I only say this because of the way it is processed. The fertile egg yolk powder is processed using high-pressure pasteurization which does not denature the powder whatsoever. That is why the follistatin is still in the powder. If one were to take the fertile egg yolk powder and heat pasteurize it, no more follistatin. What would be interesting is if Myos Rens (the company that makes fertile egg yolk powder, applied that application to egg white protein or even whey protein. Then they would have to test it using the DIAA method. Don’t hold your breath on a whey protein made using high-pressure pasteurization instead of heat, never going to happen.

I do know of one company that is trying to make whey protein differently, but the FDA is putting a stop to his plans.

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best protein powders for 2019

Top 10 Protein Powders For 2019

10. Micro/Ultra Whey Isolate

9. Ion exchange whey isolate

8. Native whey isolate

7. Native whey protein blend (Muscle Shake)

6. Bovine Plasma Serum Protein (Trying to get in)

5. Bovine Hemoglobulin Protein (Tryig to get in)

4. Silk Cocoon

The rest you can have a toss up

3. Hydrolyzed Salmon (Salmobolic 98)

2. Hydrolyzed Casein (Peptopro)

1.Hydrolyzed whey protein isolate (Our 520)

UPDATED: For 2021.

A good customer asked me to update this list. Vegan proteins like lentein, rice, pea, etc definitely do not make the top 10 list. Egg white would come in at number 11.

10. Ion exchange whey isolate

9. Native whey isolate or concentrate.

8. Native whey protein blend (Muscle Shake)

7. Silk Cocoon

6. Bovine Plasma Serum Protein (Should be here Sept/Oct 2021)

5. Bovine Hemoglobulin Protein (Should be here Sept/Oct 2021)

The rest you can have a toss up….

4. Hydrolyzed Salmon (Salmobolic 98)

3. Hydrolyzed Casein (Peptopro)

2. Hydrolyzed whey protein isolate (Our 520)

  1. Total Frag 250

Some that could be in my list.

Advanced BCAA, Leucine Peptides, Lentein, and Hydrolyzed Egg White

I have been selling protein powder for 20 years now. I have literally searched the world for all different proteins. I’m on the cutting edge of technology in the protein industry. Trust me when I tell you this, that one cannot put together a higher quality, more effective protein powder than you can at

However, the problem in the protein industry is that you have self-proclaimed experts making informative videos that are completely idiotic.

For example, this Youtube video below in which this person titled it the Ultimate Protein Science Guide stated the following:

Each one of these is inaccurate, misleading, or a flat out lie. He recommends a combination of pea protein isolate and hemp protein. I’m sorry but that’s a joke. He loses all credibility with me.

Whey Protein Concentrate is Garbage.

I mean seriously, whey protein concentrate garbage? What a joke! He then goes onto recommend whey protein isolate. I guess he does not know that there is no difference whatsoever between the quality of the protein between the two. Just because whey isolate does not have lactose does not mean it is going to be a more effective muscle building/recovery protein.

Casein protein is dirty protein and hard to digest

Talk about a dumb statement. I have to shake my head because he never mentions the scientific method for analyzing protein quality which is the DIAA. Milk protein concentrate and isolate have now been determined to be one of the top quality proteins. Milk protein is made up of casein protein! This Youtuber clearly has no idea what he is talking about!

Rice Protein is an incomplete protein

He states around the 12.24 mark that rice protein is an incomplete protein. If I was a rice protein manufacturer I’d sue him.

Heres a study proving rice protein concentrate is a complete protein.

Hydrolyzed Collagen is good for recovery

Now hydrolyzed collagen is an incomplete protein, which this person fails to mention. Then he goes on to recommend it for recovery. Totally dumb in my opinion.

He then goes onto recommend a vegan protein powder with pea protein and hemp.

Hemp protein powder sucks. You’ll notice that nobody on the face of the Earth knows is Digestible Indespensible Amino Acid score, which is the most up to date scientific way to judge the quality of a protein source.

In conclusion, never listen to any of these people on Youtube claiming they are experts and they tell you which proteins are the highest quality. I have yet to see one of them mention the DIAA, which is the true scientific way to judge protein quality. These guys know how to talk a lot of mumbo scientific poppycock, but most of them are full of it. Not only that but most have an agenda to make money. This guy above probably is making money by recommending the vegan protein he recommends. 99% of the other people on Youtube recommending the best proteins simply recommend microfiltration whey isolate. Most believe it or not recommend Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard, which is just a whey concentrate from cheese!!


Alex Rogers (00:01):

Hey, what’s up everybody? This is Alex Rogers and I am going to give you the top selling or really the highest quality protein powders on the market today. And just so you know who I am, my name is Alex Rogers, I own a company called and I’ve been selling protein powders, manufacturing them, formulating them for over 20 years now. So I have pretty good expertise in protein powders and the use of sports nutrition. I don’t know too many other people that could make that claim over 20 years of manufacturing, selling protein powders. I’m also an expert in the code of federal regulations for dietary supplement 111s so I know how supplements are supposed to be made.


Okay, so let’s start with the list. And now the first one is, well, let’s start with, I guess I’ll start with number 10 and then work my way down to number one. So the number 10 spot is going to be a regular whey protein isolate. And keep in mind this list is not about flavors. This is about quality protein powders. If you want flavoring, go somewhere else because flavor has nothing to do with quality, flavor has nothing to do with muscle gains. Anybody could flavor protein powder. So these are just plain protein powders and based on quality, how they’re made, the quality of the actual protein.


So like I said, number 10 is going to be regular whey protein isolate. And I would say that 99% of supplement companies or companies that are selling way protein isolate are selling a micro ultra filtration whey isolate. There’s only a couple ways to make a whey protein isolate, and one of them is ion exchange, which is patented by Davisco. And the other which isn’t patented, is micro ultra filtration, which is the most common method of whey protein isolates, that’ll give you 90% protein. So all you got to do is find a company that’s claiming to sell whey protein isolate, which my company does. So you could just buy my German Whey isolate or my Wisconsin Whey isolate, and that’s it. You got yourself away a whey protein isolate.


Okay, after that, number nine is going to be Davisco’s Bipro. Okay? Now that’s actually an ion exchange whey protein isolate, it’s rare. You can easily buy it on Amazon or wherever else. But what I like about the Davisco Bipro whey protein isolate is that it’s 98% protein. Sometimes it comes in at 97, but if you want the highest protein on a gram for gram basis, the Davisco Bipro is going to be it. Nothing comes close, I’ve never seen anything come close to 98%. Keep in mind that nothing can be a hundred percent protein, meaning you can’t have a hundred grams of powder and a hundred grams of protein. Like I mentioned previously, A micro filtration, ultra filtration, whey protein isolate is 90% protein. So out of those a hundred grams, 90 grams is going to be actual protein, and 10% will be non-protein materials. So Davisco’s Bipro, very, very high in BCAs, usually 8%. So yeah, if you’re looking for just straight up protein, you don’t care about protein subfractions, then Davisco Bipro is going to be it.


Okay, so number eight. Okay, so number 10 was the micro ultra filtration whey isolate. Number nine was the Bipro, and number eight is going to be my muscle shake. And the reason why is because the muscle shake is a native whey protein blend. So you really want to mix your protein sources when you’re trying to build muscle. So the muscle shake is a combination of native whey protein isolate, native micellar and milk protein isolate. Okay, so that’s number eight.


Number seven is going to be a straight up native whey protein isolate. If you never heard of native whey protein isolate, what it is that whey protein can come from two sources. Well, initially it comes from the cow, but after that it could come from cheese or milk. When whey protein comes from cheese, that’s going to be your common protein powder that the supplement companies will never talk to you about. But it’s manufactured to be processed from cheese. So technically it’s denatured twice. Where a native whey protein isolate comes directly from milk. So it’s only denatured one time. And denaturing means subjected to heat. So all whey protein powder has to be pasteurized, but when it comes from cheese, it has to be pasteurized twice because just the way it is. It has to be pasteurized twice because one’s coming from the milk, other coming from the cheese. So it’s got to be pasteurized twice. When it comes from milk, it only has to be pasteurized one time. Okay?


So native whey protein isolate, very hard to find. I sell it on my site. I don’t know too many other companies that sell it because it is expensive. It’s more expensive than a micro ultra filtration whey isolate. And not only that, but native whey protein isolate is not manufactured in the US. All native way protein isolate is made overseas, typically in Western Europe, like France and Netherlands. Where else? France, Netherlands, not too sure where else. But yeah, native whey protein isolate.


Okay, coming in at number six. Really six and five, is the bovine plasma and bovine hemoglobin protein powders. Now they are nonexistent at this point, okay? I used to sell a bovine plasma protein powder, manufacturing discontinued it so I don’t sell it anymore. But I’m working on getting them back in. So when they do come back in, you definitely want to use those. Now the good thing about the bovine plasma is that the bioavailability, and I believe the DIA, is very high with these products. Not only that, but they’re very rich in protein subfractions. For example, IGG IGF1, much higher than whey proteins and dairy proteins. So when they do come back in, those are the powders that you want to use, or at least try to get into your diet at least some point during the day. But as of right now, I don’t know of anywhere that you could buy them and you’ll never hear them talked about by the mainstream supplement companies, because these are niche powders. They’re not mass market powders. They don’t taste very good. And most of the mass market companies just care about flavor. All right?


Now the rest of the powders, these are really a toss up. So one, two, three and four are really a toss up because there’s really not too much difference as far as research or anything goes like that. But these are going to be your peptide proteins. Proteins that you’re not going to find in GNC, you’re not going to find in Vitamin Shop, you’re not going to find in or any of these places. They just don’t exist, okay? So they are as follows, they’re going to be hydrolyzed whey protein isolate, hydrolyzed casing and hydrolyzed salmon and silk cocoon. Okay? Now the hydrolyzed casing is branded with the name of Pepto Pro. So some of you might have heard of it, some of you may not, but as far as the bioavailability, the usage, the rate of absorption, I mean the evidence is clear in that the hydrolyzed protein powders just help with recovery better than whole food protein powders such as whey isolate or casing or WPC or even the bovine plasma or even the native whey. These proteins get into the body very quickly and they have an effect called amino acidemia. And I believe they just increase muscle protein synthesis better than whole food protein powders.


So they’re hydrolyzed. I sell a hydrolyzed whey. So they called hydrolyzed 520, as an average molecular weight of about 520 daltons. Obviously Pep Pro has an average molecular weight of about 300 daltons and the hydrolyzed salmon that I sell, the data on the hydrolyzed salmon that the company that actually makes it, they put it up against hydrolyzed whey and it performed better in some aspects than hydrolyzed whey. So that’s why I said it’s a real toss up between one through four. Even with the silk cocoon. Silk cocoon has a very low molecular weight, very low molecular weight. So most of my customers, I’d say out of the three, the 520, Pepto Pro and [inaudible 00:09:27], the Pepto Pro probably sells the best, followed by the 520 [inaudible 00:09:32] right there.


Now keep in mind, these are hardcore protein powders. You’ll never see any of the supplement companies talk about this. You won’t find it on YouTube. I’m the only guy that talks about it. These protein powders are for the elite, okay? If you want a milkshake, this isn’t it. You make protein drinks out of these things, okay? So whether you’re adding fruit or something like that, but don’t even think about trying to make a milkshake out of it ain’t going to happen. But if you’re looking for results, if you’re stuck, if you’re not growing anymore, use these hydrolyzed proteins pre-workout or post-workout and you’re going to see some results.


And just to recap again, micro whey isolate, Bipro, muscle shake and native whey, I could switch those. So maybe you could say native whey and then muscle shake, then bovine plasma, then your hydrolyzed proteins for the top 10 protein powders, really quality wise in the world. And if anybody wants to dispute me, go right ahead because I could prove that these things are better. I know about all protein powders that are made in the world and these are really it.


And then I just wanted to comment on one thing. I do go on YouTube and the reason I’m making this and posting it to YouTube is because I just find so much misinformation on YouTube and they get a lot of views. And one of that is this guy, his name is Thomas DeLure, he posted a video, it’s already got 206,000 views, but he said a few things that are inaccurate and I just want to clear up. One, he said that rice protein is an incomplete protein powder, which is totally inaccurate. Rice protein is a complete protein powder. He said it lacks lycine, but it contains just as much lycine as the P protein that he pushed. He also said whey protein concentrate was a garbage protein, which is completely inaccurate. There’s no difference between the protein quality of a whey concentrate versus whey isolate. He recommends way isolate. So it’s not garbage. The difference between a whey concentrate and whey isolate is lactose. I mean, that’s it. So as far as amino acid profile, I mean a whey isolate, 10% higher in some cases. Big deal.


What else did he say? He also said that you take collagen for recovery. Okay, collagen is an incomplete protein powder. So do not use collagen for body building purposes. Sports nutrition, I mean, if you want to use it to improve your hair and skin, go ahead. But I can think of a thousand other things to use to improve my hair and skin before something that’s going to literally, when you drink it, put the body in a catabolic state. So I wouldn’t do that either.


Other than that, he just says a bunch of other inaccurate things and calls up the alternate protein. And the other thing is he never mentions egg protein, and I would put egg protein on my list as well. I mean, I’d make it maybe number 11 or number 10. I mean, egg white protein, it’s a very high quality protein, right up there with dairy. And oh, that’s what he mentioned. He said hydrolyzed beef protein, never buy. Well, that’s accurate and inaccurate. And it’s inaccurate because yes, some companies do sell hydrolyzed beef protein made from hooves and hair and bones, whatever he mentioned. But there is hydrolyzed protein, because I used to sell it, coming directly from the muscle or the meat of the cattle. So he’s inaccurate or misleading about that. Okay?


All right, so anybody have any questions about protein, you want to know what the best ones is? This is it. If you have any other questions, you could text me. 732-901-9600. And yeah, I’ll talk to you next time.