Everything You Needed To Know About Arimistane

Introduction to Arimistane

Arimistane is one of the most popular pro hormones at the moment. People has been using it as the stable product in countless cycles as well as PCTs. What makes Arimistane truly stand out from the crowd is the fact that it’s the most powerful aromatase inhibitor. This means that it can effectively lower estrogen levels and is comparable to Nolvadex and Clomid in that sense. It also provides a good testosterone boost. Therefore, people use it sometimes in pro hormone stacks or alone to raise testosterone levels to build muscle and strength, increase libido, lose fat and more. In this article, I will give you all the information you need to know about Arimistane and how to use it safely and effectively.

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First of all, it is good to know the major difference between legal prohormones like Arimistane and anabolic steroids. Prohormones do not add synthetic testosterone to the bloodstream, they actually raise the levels of natural testosterone. This action happens when the prohormone activates an enzyme within the liver that is responsible for increasing testosterone production. Raised testosterone, in return, has the benefit of generating more muscle mass, strength and improving overall physical performance. And when you have a lot of free testosterone circulating in your body, your DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) levels increase as well. DHT is responsible for amplifying the effects of testosterone. It also increases with the elevation of natural testosterone.

So taking Arimistane for its testosterone boosting properties is certainly logical and beneficial. However, people usually use anabolic steroids more for this purpose than prohormones such as Arimistane. Long-term use can lead to side effects like gynecomastia, high blood pressure, water retention, kidney problems. The worse can happen if take in large dosages. Also, let’s not forget the suppression of natural testosterone. Great gains come at a great price. Luckily, Arimistane is the most potent anti-estrogen on the market. High androgenic ratio of most steroids cause high estrogen levels associated with all of these symptoms. When testosterone increases, so does estrogen. The only way to tackle this issue is by taking anti-estrogens like Arimistane. The same applies both while doing a cycle, and especially during PCT (post cycle therapy).

Arimistane also has an excellent effect on cortisol levels. The adrenal glands produce this hormone called Cortisol. In an elevated state, it can cause stress and lethargy. It can also suppress the immune system, eat away at muscle, and store excess fat. Elevated cortisol for a long time causes worse symptoms to happen. This causes allergies and inflammation in the body, which can destroy one’s digestive tract and respiratory organs. It is a wise saying that „stress is the number one killer“. And cortisol is the product and creator of stress.

But not only mental stress is the issue. Cortisol also rises after a heavy workout. This is why natural lifters are always told not to follow training programs of professional bodybuilders who use steroids. It’s because their body is not able to reap the benefits. This is because the cortisol levels rise far sooner than at people who have more testosterone. Well, Arimistane is beneficial because it can in fact inhibit cortisol and keep it within a normal range. This makes it an excellent supplement for athletes looking to increase their workout length and frequency.


Post cycle therapy is necessary after doing most steroid or prohormone cycle. After a few weeks of being on a cycle, the natural testosterone in the body becomes suppressed. The longer the cycle, the worse. At the same time estrogen levels shoot up because the body is always trying to be in a homeostasis. With the increase in test while on cycle comes elevated estrogen. This is especially true with steroids such as Dianabol, Anadrol and Depo-Testosterone, which have considerable androgenic properties.

There are a few dangers of having lowered testosterone after a cycle. The most obvious one is muscle loss. The muscle and strength gained during the cycle will evaporate without testosterone to sustain them in the long run. Some other complications involve low libido, mood swings, depression and tiredness. High estrogen levels can add a new complex layer of side effects such as gynecomastia, bloating, mental problems and more. Another reason to do a PCT is to prevent hepatoxicity (liver strain or damage) from occuring while these hormonal imbalances are in place.

So how do we do a PCT? Well, there are a few drugs that can be of use in this instance: Arimistan, Nolvadex and Clomid

We’ll focus on Arimistane at the moment, as it’s actually legal to buy without prescription. It’s also the most powerful anti-estrogen and testosterone booster on the market. This scientific study compared three of the most potent aromatase inhibitors. So users calling it a „suicide aromatase inhibitor“ because of its potency is not strange or overexaggerating. Aromatase, also called estrogen synthase, serves as the main enzyme in the production of estrogen. So an Aromatase Inhibitor deals with the root problem of excess estrogen production by actually suppressing this overworked enzyme.

Some bodybuilders like to combine Arimistane with other PCT drugs such as Nolvadex and Clomid. By doing these, they are also able to tackle estrogen and increase natural testosterone production. It really depends on the preference of the individual. But in most cases Arimistane is powerful enough to be used alone regardless of the previous cycle.


The fact that it carries suicide aromatase inhibitor title doesn’t mean that Arimistane is dangerous to use. If it were dangerous it would be illegal by now. Arimistane doesn’t shut off estrogen production completely, it simply lowers it enough to avoid trouble while stabilizing testosterone.

Estrogen production can be drastically lowered for an extended period of time. But no matter what we do, it cannot be permanently shut off. Our physiology always tries to produce a proper amount of both sex hormones depending on our gender. Having low estrogen can have similar side effects to having low testosterone, mainly mood swings, low libido and joint issues. So we shouldn’t view these two hormones as antagonistic in nature, but rather as two parts of our physiology. They have to be in balance in order to work properly.

The reported side effects from using Armistatine is very few. Moderate doses (more on that later on in this article) make this especially true. Using large doses of Armistatine for a long time is the only way that it can produce negative side effects such as liver strain. But this goes without saying with any drug, dietary supplement, or anything else for that matter.

So let’s see what is the best way to use Arimistane to get the desired effects.


Some weightlifters and bodybuilders use Arimistane during their cycle to control the estrogen levels. But it works best when used during Post Cycle Therapy. In both cases it can be used alone or with other supplements.

When taken by itself in order to suppress estrogen, it can be used for up to 6 weeks. The dosages themselves may vary depending on the strength of the product depending on the brand you’ve purchased from. But usually, 100-200 mg daily is a moderate dose that can provide great results.

When taken intra-cycle or with other pct drugs like Nolvadex or Clomid, doses and the way of use are different:

First week: 75-100 mg per day

Second and third week: 50-75 mg per day

Fourth and fifth week: 25-50 mg per day

Arimistane is not considered to be a base prohormone. Meaning, it should be used as an addition to other prohormones such as Trenavar in a stack which is designed to promote muscle, strength and endurance gains.

It can be taken for an additional one week. But it’s up to the individual to see whether it’s necessary or not. Like other supplements or pct agents, Arimistane use should be based on what our body requires at the given moment. Taking a recommended dosage is always a good thing. But it should be considered more as an estimate, rather than a strict rule.


Arimistane is a powerful Aromatase Inhibitor, estrogen reducer, and testosterone booster. These are the qualities that it shares with many prohormones on the market. What makes Arimistane stand out is its potency, which is much higher than that of similar products.

It is also a versatile prohormone that can be used alone. It can also be used in a stack with other drugs and pro hormones. Both to raise physical performance and improve one’s physique. Older men also use Aristamine as their natural testosterone levels decline from 35 years of age onwards.  It’s most common use is for Post Cycle Therapy, whether used alone or together with Nolvadex or Clomid.

Arimistane has basically zero side effects when taken in recommended doses for 4-6 weeks. Longer time is usually unnecessary as that’s the optimum amount of time when it can positively influence the hormonal levels.

Due to its popularity, effectiveness, wide distribution and legal status, there are plenty of reasons to try Arimistane.

So if you’re interested in staying natural while at the same time gaining high-quality muscle mass, increasing your strength in the gym, being able to lift more, and shedding excess body fat, Arimistane is the prohormone supplement you’ve been looking for.