Two Newly Discovered Hidden Ingredients In Whey Protein That Could Be Halting Your Gains & Increasing Fat

I discovered something very intriguing the other day and needed to share it with you.  This idea could be a game-changer in the protein powder industry.  Not only that but it could be a game changer to help you grow some new muscle or break through a plateau.  Remember, most of us, have been lifting and bodybuilding for a long time.  New gains are very, very rare.  It takes drastic change in your diet, life style, or training to see a drastic change in your physique.  As proof, how many of you go to the same gym and see the same guys, even though they have great physiques continually look the same?  They don’t get smaller, but they don’t get bigger either.  They simply stay the same.  Therefore, if you do not want to be one of those guys or gals in the gym that looks the same all the time, then I have something for you that might possibly break you out of that rut.  That idea is to remove the consumption of phytosterols from your diet.

Phytosterols very bad.  I have written about this before in an article here.  Here are some bad things about phytosterols

  1. Phytosterols are hormone-like compounds found in plants
  2. A by-product of the wood industry, wood companies, would dispose of the phytosterols in streams.  The fish in the streams became infertile and sex-inverted!
  3. There is a remarkable similarity between the chemical structure of plant sterols and Diethylstilbestrol, the synthetic hormone associated with reproductive cancers in women
  4. Human studies have shown that phytosterols are also osteolytic, meaning that they cause a breakdown of the organic bone matrix, and the subsequent leaching of the inorganic bone fraction
  5. In New Zealand and Australia, they put a warning notice on margarine and other food products that contain phytosterols.  The products must carry an advisory warning that they may not be appropriate for infants, children, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

I have discovered that my customers using protein powders that do not contain phytosterols are seeing better results.  These powders are the following:

  1. Peptopro
  2. Advanced BCAA
  3. Leucine Peptides
  4. Hydrolyzed whey protein 520
  5. Oatmuscle
  6. Mod6 Carb Complex Carbohydrate Supplement
  7. Silk Cocoon Protein Powder

In protein powders, emulsifiers are added to increase the particle size of the powder.  When the particle size is increased it improves the dispersibility.  Thus, when you take the powder and put it in a liquid like milk or water and stir with a spoon it goes into solution and leaves very little clumps if any.

The emulsifiers commonly used are soy lecithin and sunflower lecithin.  If you look at most protein powders you’ll see these two ingredients.  Every once in a while you’ll see a protein powder without an emulsifier listed.  Most of the time this is a supplement company labeling their protein powder incorrectly.  Sometimes you’ll see just lecithin because the supplement company does not want you to see the word “soy” on the back of their label.  Kind of an amateurish marketing move.

In the video below you’ll see my theory.  The theory is that day in and day out you are consuming protein powders with phytosterols.  You are doing this 365 days a year.  Don’t you think that these phytosterols that you are consuming every day are eventually going to have some sort of impact on your body?  Smoke cigaratte’s for 10 years and might be fine, but if you think its not having an impact on your body you’re sorely mistaken.

The goal for is to sell the highest quality, PUREST protein powders in the world.  Removing soy and sunflower lecithin is the direction that I am taking my company.  In addition, do not forget about stevia and its side effects.  I wrote about how I feel stevia could lower testosterone.  Combine that with phytosterols and you have TWO components that are messing with your hormones.

UPDATE:  6/14/2017

One of our customers emailed a good article on the use of emulsifiers.  Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it a good article per se’, but it explains the side effects of emulsifiers.