The Best Bodybuilding App – Dr. Muscle Is Now Available

The best bodybuilding app is now available from Dr. Carl Juneau called Dr. Muscle.

unleashed testosterone

I’m 44, and I have been working out since I was a skinny nerd at the age of 15.  I work out because I’m skinny and I will ALWAYS be skinny because of my genetics.  I’m an ectomorph.  Thus I always believed this was the reason why my supplement company was so successful.  I had the inner drive to create supplements to help me grow muscle.  I had a personal vendetta to create products to help grow muscle. Being small, weak, and skinny, was NOT the way I wanted to live my life.  In addition to being at a disadvantage when it comes to sports as well (which I love to play).

I took being skinny personally and it fueled me to create supplements that actually worked,  as opposed to some genetically gifted, steroid using guy, who’s supplement business was just a hobby.

To this day that drive to find muscle building products burns inside me.  This enables me to bring to you the best products in the industry.

Today I am proud to introduce not a supplement, but an artificial intelligence workout program that the muscle building industry has never seen before.  It actually LEARNS from your workouts, and creates new workouts with proven principles to help you build muscle like you have never built muscle before.

SCIENCE is the key to build muscle, and with the emergence of artificial intelligence, you now have the opportunity to build NEW MUSCLE!

Let me be clear.  I don’t care how many protein shakes you drink or supplements you consume you CANNOT grow muscle unless you workout.  Working out comes FIRST and supplements come second, but they do go hand and hand.  High-quality workouts and high-quality supplements equals more muscle.

Therefore not long ago I teamed up with a long time customer of mine Dr. Carl Juneau.  He has been a customer of for years and he has developed an artificial intelligence app that will help you grow new muscle.

Please watch this video of an interview I did with him.

Click here to buy